Two P12 Controllers


New elf
May 25, 2014
Corona, CA

I just got my second P12S controller and was wondering how to set it up along with my other P12S controller? My first one is set up universes 1-12 on I address How do I set up the second one? Just use a different IP address? I'm using LOR S3.

thanks for any detailed info you can provide, I'm still very much a newbie
Hi I have mine set up as, and Worked ok for me last year when I was using LOR controllers and LSP.
Yes, you use a different IP address to access their configuration pages separately.

As for universes, if you want them responding to different channels you'll need to use different universes too (or at least different channel ranges in the same universes).
So if I have universe 1-12 set up on the first controller do I need to set up 13-24 on the second? What is the difference between multicast and unicast? Does it make a difference which one I use with multiple controllers?
You will need unique pixel numbers for your outputs so if you use pixels 1 to 2000 for your first p12 I'd start your second one at say 3000. This is where a spreadsheet comes in handy to keep track.