Unexpected visitors last night


New elf
Jul 31, 2021
So there I am last night, chilling on the lounge playing some Tower Defence on my phone. When I hear more then the usual amount of chatter coming from the street. Eventually the chatter has moved to my porch so I head out to see whats what, half expecting to shoo away teenagers. What I did find was something far weirder...

The man at my door introduces himself as the creator of Xlights and asks me out for a chat. On the road I find a mini bus load of Xlights enthusiasts (nerds) analysing my display. I was a little dismayed but ran with it. Sorry I suck at remembering names.

What followed was 5min of banter about how they were driving the area and happened to see my house from down the road. I am pretty happy that people can see my place from 500m away... Then, as fast as they had arrived, they were off to continue their adventures around the area in search of fancy Christmas displays.

So I say to my random visitors. Thank you for stopping by and appreciating my hard work. But I would like to say an even bigger Thank You for creating Xlights and all of the supporting documents and videos. Without it I would just be another house with 20 sets of flashing Christmas LED's thrown about the place.
You need to contact Matt Brown and Sean Megan for answers as to who "created" xLights. Matt created xLights (the show player) around 2010. He then took Sean's Nutcracker V1.0 and combined it with xLights in 2013 (if memory serves). There have been many different people with their hands in the production since, but the originals are Matt and Sean.

Now, about your visitors ......... :unsure:
It was the annual Keith/Troy/Binny road trip, probably with some others.
Sorry, I cant remember names. but there was about 10 guys in a large van/mini bus. Touring the Camden area.
Maybe he said he was one of the developers. I can't remember.
I heard a ruckus out the front of my place last night... thought it might be some unruly xLights and coro characters, but was just the new neighbours 😂
If Keith was to do a "van tour" here in the states, I'm pretty sure he would need a Greyhound Bus to get all those that would want to go along inside. Great bunch of guys and gals who work on this amazing software. Just saying. (Heck. I believe even Sean would tag along.)