Update on LOR E1.31 release

Well the following quote is from Dan

"Well we will not be releasing the E1.31 stuff to beta tomorrow but we will have a firm release date for you next week and it that date will not be far off.


So I guess in a week we will find out a date....
he has been saying things like this for months now. so who really knows it could still be momths away
Screens of the changed network configuration process have been released via "preliminary documentation" (subject to change before software release).

The configuration of LOR/DMX/E1.31/X10/Dasher settings are now done via a standalone program and not a menu setting in the Sequencer.

The LOR network screen (simple mode):
lors3_netset_lor.jpg lors3_netset_loraux.jpg

The DMX screen (simple mode):

The DMX network screen (advanced mode - required to add/change E1.31 devices)
lors3_netset_advdmx.jpg lors3_netset_confige131.jpg