Using street light poles for beat poles



Hi, just thought I would see if I could get some feedback about using 2 street light poles as beat poles for my display. Both street light poles are within 1 metre of the front hedge (on a corner block). I would ensure cables would be out of the way. There is no footpath.

Not sure about the legality of it, or if it will invite potential vandalism or if there are any oh&s implications.

In the home of red tape I'm sure that there will be official objection to any elements outside of your fenceline. Even though everything could be nice and safe if there is any sort of official involvement it would be "back behind your fence or we'll do it for you". Unfortunately Christmas spirit doesn't often extend to bureaucracy.
I'm guessing a vertical string that bounces with the beat of the music - something like a UV meter ????

Had something similar in mind using tint tubes.

AAH said:
In the home of red tape I'm sure that there will be official objection to any elements outside of your fenceline. Even though everything could be nice and safe if there is any sort of official involvement it would be "back behind your fence or we'll do it for you". Unfortunately Christmas spirit doesn't often extend to bureaucracy.

I agree, but I also believe in the saying that it's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission.

If you ever get someone out complaining about it, get the kids to come out and give a sad puppy dog look.. That'll get rid of them.. (works on me)