Video Display Uploaders


New elf
Dec 9, 2012
Please make your YouTube videos accessible to mobile users. As devices evolve so do the users of them and many folks no longer sit at a computer or use laptops to just browse the internet.

Not enabling mobile properties makes it hard for those of us on tablets and smart phones to be in awe of your awesome displays :)

Thanks!! :)
unfortunately baldy, when there is a copyright claim against any of the music within our displays (even if it is just the requirment to acknowledge the use of copyrighted material) YOUTUBE automatically blocks mobile platforms, dependant on what country the violation is applicable to. Alot of people use Vimeo which doesnt have this issue to my knowledge, but others still stay with youtube (like myself)
I really dont understand why people use youtube these days for showing videos of their displays with all the restrictions that youtube now has. Vimeo doesnt have these issues.