Video of FPP vs Vixen side by side


WiFi Interactive
Dec 23, 2010
Brisbane, Australia

Side by side comparison of the same sequence via Falcon Pi Player and from the Vixen sequencer itself.

Vixen was running off a Core i7-3770 3.4Ghz, 16GB RAM, with only ~500 of a total ~7430 channels enabled. The more channels enabled, the slower it gets, to a point of only a couple of updates per second.

FPP running off a B+ Pi, with all ~7430 channels enabled at a 25ms export.

Playing out from the Vixen3 Scheduler improves performance slightly from previous testing, but IMO the Falcon Pi Player was still able to do a much smoother and consistently timed job. So in my opinion Vixen is great for sequencing, but the FPP is the way to go when it comes to running the show!

Same camera settings were used on both original videos were frame aligned and then music was re-dubbed.
Note: Falcon Pi Player is now know as just the Falcon Player. As the team aim is to have it work on more than just the Raspberry Pi

Yes the Falcon Play is just a E131 dumper (i.e. just spits the packets out).

If you did simple effects in Vixen 3 with heaps of channels, I am sure it would keep up with real time. But who wants to do simple effects.

Thanks for doing the comparison. Your PC/laptop is not slow. It shows that you need to head towards Falcon Player on one of the hardware platforms supported when your show gets complicated or very high on the channels or both.
A left to right colour change through the sequence would probably show timing differences better.
Sorry it's an existing sequence that wasn't designed for this video. What you are looking at is the first few pixels of my roofline, in my upcoming strobe special :)
Call me stupid but I thought the Vixen looked the best. Subjective. Full marks for comparing the sequencing.

I've noticed big differences in smoothness between different versions of Vixen 3 in 2014, but much improved from 2013. R