

Full time elf
Jan 4, 2013
Tucson, AZ
This is a tool I started a year ago when I was wanting to add a matrix with RGB pixels mapped to DMX channels in the LOR Visualizer. I ran into limitations. I believe it was a limit of 1024 fixtures so the size of the matrix you can add was very limited. This really isn't very polished for the average user to figure out how to use it but someone mentioned they may want to use it as a starting point so I'm making the source and executable available on github for anyone that wants to try it out or improve upon it. If you try the program I would recommend using a copy of your .lee file and use a new name when you save it out using Save As.
Here's the link to the files:

This shows a screenshot after opening a .lee file. There are tabs that will show all your Props and Fixtures. I had planned to update this to be able to do more advanced editing but right now all you can do is add a matrix into your file by selecting the Matrix button under Add New Element.
This second screenshot shows the dialog for adding a matrix. I'm noticing there is a lot missing since I programmed it to allocate the channels based on how I was planning to wire mine up. I believe it currently assigns the channels as if you were reading a book...a left to right Z pattern. This would be one thing that would need to be updated for folks that may want to map the channels differently. It was setup so you could enter the number for rows and columns and then start typing in the universe numbers, start channel, and number of channels. As you start filling out each row the count decreases in the Channels to Allocate box. You need to get that number to zero to know you've defined all the pixels. The Open and Save buttons on the bottom right are there to allow just the matrix definition on this page to be saved out in an XML file that can be reopened later. You may want to use this if you needed to experiment with using differnent light spacing or X/Y starting positions. Oh yeah the X and Y fields are the top left corner of your matrix. The Visualizer needs these numbers to know where on the screen to draw your matrix. You kinda need to know about where it will go to know the numbers. I would create a single bulb and then inspect the file to see the X/Y for the bulb. Like I said this is kinda crude but it does save a lot of time from doing it just might need to create it a few times until you get it how you want it.
This screenshot shows the original page after I hit the Create button. I scrolled down so you can see where it added the pixels for the matrix. Each pixel is named using the name you specified with an underscore and the row and column number. So pixel 1 here is named Matrix_R0C0 standing for row 0 column 0 which would be the top left corner of the matrix.

I could continue to update this if I find out what people want or I'm glad to let someone else take this over the continue the work. I just got discouraged when I ran into the fixture limit in LOR's program.

Oh and for anyone wanting to continue development the solution was created in Visual Studio 2008 and it's a C# project.

Looks good, I wanna try as I can't get any matrix into the visualizer except CCR's in a LOR network

I have LOR's in a DMX network and can't put them in Visualizer ... <sigh>

Also how would one put a Pixel tree in the visualizer ?

I mainly posted this because Caffeine said he might want to use the code as a starting point for apps he had planned on working on.
Shell...there are several ways to get files from github. I'm not an expert on it since I mainly just store my code there. Over to the right there should be a button that says Download ZIP and that would get you everything including all the source that created it. The actual executable is a few directories down in VisualizeThis/bin/debug. I haven't tested whether just copying the files in that debug direcotry to another machine would allow you to run it.
I really didn't think this was in shape for everyone to use yet...If I was releasing expecting everyone to use it I would create an installer.
I'm working on uploading the other source code I mentioned in the other post.
