3.x Vixen 3.1.0 Coming Soon

Two possibilities:

(1) Your version of .NET needs to be at least ver. 4 (the latest available for XP)
(2) There has been talk of moving to .NET 4.5 (which won't run on XP) to take advantage of more advaced features

I'm not sure whether XP support has been abandoned - I've asked on the dev forum

OK, response from the developers:

XP is not *officially* supported because it is felt that, even with the latest efficiency improvements, the old hardware that it's running on will probably struggle with either complex displays or complex sequences.

However, there's currently no known reason why it shouldn't run under XP provided .NET 4.0 has been installed. This won't always be the case though if and when future upgrades require later versions of .NET to be installed.

Thanks for chasing that up for me Dave and Davrus. I'm hoping that it will work on XP as I won't be upgrading my computer just for the sake of controlling my lights. Not only will I not get a new lappy but I also want to stay with XP as I have a whole heap of old work related programs that I have to continue to have access to that don't play well on Win7. I'd rather chop my hand off rather than suffer through Win8.
That actually brings up 1 of my pet hates. How freaking hard is it at the start of a software installation is it for the bit of software to do a hardware/software checklist to check that it's compatible. I have installed dozens of programs over the years that have quite happily told me after the install is complete that it won't work as it requires Win7, better graphics card, DirectX 10,11,12, .Net 4.0 etc.
For your info I have dot net 4.0 installed, the sound card, speakers etc are all working, graphics is set at 1280x768. The old version of vixen failed to uninstall due to a crash in the uninstaller. I then removed the relevant folders are 3 attempts at removing via control panel and the Vixen 3 uninstaller.
i just thought i would try it out on a laptop,
an i got the same responce as alan,
it looks like it will work but then dies silently.

So the latest vixen aint xp compatable..
no skin off my nose there