vixen controlling arduino atmega

Made some good progress - got two strings to work - however the first universe/string works perfectly, the second one acts like is lagged out and never really animates. Any thoughts?
Looks like I MAY have figured it out - I adjusted how many bulbs in the universe in XLights and seems like it works now.
Well I have the w5100 and the mega 2560 hooked up and sketch is running. Having some trouble seeing how to hook up the 5 relay boards to the mega and to talk to vixen. I am new to this so please forgive my lack of knowledge. I can build all the display and do the wiring etc but the computer stuff is new.
I had a friend use your sketch and have it working now we are trying to hook up the rest.. Thanks very much for your help
Here is how I am hooking up three 16 relay boards to my mega. Now just working on how to hook them up in series to talk to Vixen so only the relay comes on that I want and not the same relay on all three MEGAs.
20181104_074819 (1).jpg 20181104_074836.jpg
So I have tried debugging but its just a bunch of useless junk. Only pin 24 seems to every act like its going through the boot up and idle function, the rest of the ports never do it, which is odd.

I can see the ethernet shield light up like mad when I tell XLights to send data over unicast to the IP I assigned...just nothing happens. I can post any additional info as you like.
i had the same on my first go at this setup i had to change the settings in globle.h to
#define UNIVERSE 1
#define MAXBULBS 50
to get the rest of the output pins to work
Using an Arduino... My experience with using a Mega to control 48 strings was terrible, the main problem is them losing connection to the computer and not receiving data properly over USB. I even bought a 20m USB cable with amplifiers along it to replace the USB over ethernet adaptors but that still didn't work.