Welcome to our next AusChristmasLighting moderator

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Dedicated elf
Jun 30, 2010
Adelaide, Australia
With another lights season drawn to a close & new year welcomed in, now seems like a good time to announce the expansion of the ACL moderating team by 1.

On behalf of the rest of the AusChristmasLighting team, we'd like to publically welcome you, YAGOONA LIGHTS, to the team to assist on the forum, in the chat and whereever else is needed (if your schedule is not too busy with Teamviewer support requests ;) ).

This appointment has been something that has been a long time coming, but the rest of the moderating team agree that now the time is right. YAGOONA LIGHTS, your dedication to helping others and while keeping this community "fun" does not go unrecognised.

Don't let the power get to your head, now! :eek:
thanks to Ryan and the team. Eddy and Steve and the many others that keep this forum going. like Harrison with his hosting of ACL.

I will try my best to help out as much as I can and look forward to seeing ACL grow in 2014
We welcome Ben to the team and know that he will contribute and assist where ever needed to ensure ACL stays as one of the premier forums for RGB information.

Welcome Ben
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