What am i doing wrong


New elf
Apr 27, 2014
Well i finally got my P2 and hooked it up to a 50 pixel string and fired it up, the test pattern worked great.

I started up Vixen 3.0.10, told it i had an E1.31 interface, Universe 1, Start 1, Size 150 and a unicast IP. Once i applied that the last two thirds of the string lit up white.

I went in to the sequencer and sent some basic patterns out and the lights were not working as they should, after a bit of tinkering I figured out that somewhere between the sequencer and the lights a "pixel" was becoming a "channel" so if i sent a set colour of white to the first pixel, it would light up blue but if i sent white to the first 3 pixels, only the first would light up white, white to pixel 4 lights up pixel 2 blue and so on and so forth.

Any ideas on what i'm doing wrong?
It may have to do with your start address not matching.

The first pixel only seems to be getting 1 channel of data and why you will see just the blue come on. This now means that every other light behind that is a mix of 2 channels form the previous light and 1 channel from the next light (each light uses 3 channels)

So check you channel config lines up with your controller and software
It definately seems to be a config snafu in Vixen, I have since tested the P2 using David Duffy's tool and it all works really well.

The issue seems to be that the combined RGB values for each pixel is being applied to the channel instead of the group, for example, pixel 1's value (regardless of combination) gets applied to channel 1 (blue on pixel 1), pixel 2's value gets applied to channel 2 (green on pixel 1) pixel 3's value to channel 3 (red on pixel 1), pixel 4's value to channel 4 (blue on pixel 2) and so on and so forth. with anything beyond channel 50 (part of pixel 16) just getting stuck on full.
In the setup display section

1. Select all the elements that you want to be pixels on the left
2. Select color handling from the configure drop down menu and click button to right of menu
3. Select the bottom option to treat one element as a pixel. i.e. 3 channels on the output.
4. Now when you patch you will see 50 pixels patched to 150 channels with 50 color breakdown filter applied.

Hope that helps,
Mmmmm, That is how I have it set up.

One thing I have noticed when looking at setup guides is that most of the guides refer to the E1.31 output interface by J1SYS but the version of Vixen i'm using has an E1.31 interface built in and they differ in one way, the built in one lacks the "assume each output is RGB" option.

Surely there is a way to set up the built in module to do RGB channels per output.
Rowan's post is the correct explanation for your issue.

However, I suspect that you may have patched the pixels to the controller before you configured their colour properties - this constrains your options and would explain your predicament.

The solution is to unpatch them (select them in the element tree and click on "Unpatch Elements"), then reconfigure their colour handling, and then re-patch them - should take about 20 seconds ;)

That was it.... I jumped the gun in patching before the colour settings.

rookie mistake.