What are you changing for 2024? Elements you are building, modifying or installing

Some unexpected additions:

First is a Showstopper spinner. (Thanks chatroom for talking me into a HD prop!)


Second is this candle I saw at Bunnings today. It's got a couple of warm white leds and flicker controller (AA operated), but I have this 9-led round module which I will figure out how to fit into it.
At the mini I also got some seed pixels, and they seem to fit pretty good into the Diamond pattern that is cut into my driveway, so have measured that up and am about to place an order with Paul.
Is the plan that you will be able to drive over them because they fit in the cracks? That's an awesome use of seeds if you can pull it off.
I have added a pixel tree forest from Christmas Props Australia with a Baldrick 8 port controller from Hason Electronics
Got the 18 tree kit first but once set up realised I needed to add more tree to fill up the lawn and get a bit more depth to the display so orderd another ten trees which have just arrived today
Is the plan that you will be able to drive over them because they fit in the cracks? That's an awesome use of seeds if you can pull it off.
yes yes it is!! and once Paul reads this there goes my warranty! Seriously though Paul has been great with any issues, he has promptly replaced the couple of dodgy batches from couple years ago, and the stuff I got from him for last year has been solid (touch wood). of course have never driven over any of it!
I am starting to think I have bitten off more than I can chew as planning to go from a single run of pixels across roofline to:
  • replacing roofline with strip lighting
  • repurposing roof pixels into 4 vertical outlines
  • 4 leaping arches
  • 3 spiral trees
  • 4 snowflakes about 150 pixels each
  • rebuild/new controller in non Tupperware enclosure...
Looking at this list by itself wasn't so scary but when I listed out all the sub-tasks required to get them done it has become overwhelming and I also realise I have got some busy weekends coming up which limits the time available. Spent most of the weekend doing the spiral trees but have decided they look crap so starting again with those. I need to try and knock off something easy to get the confidence back..

I still have loads of inflatables and Bunnings rope lights so will gets something out and that's all that matters.. 😀

Thanks in large part to the generosity of @Domestos who initially offered to help me out but then ended up donating 3 unused arches and the materials to build a 4th and sold me on seed pixels for spiral trees I am not looking too bad now. Hopefully finish controller and roofline by end of September and then dedicate some time to importing free sequences.. 🤞

Hope everybody else is having their plans come together also