what do people do with problem neighbours?


Full time elf
May 9, 2014
Really over our neighbours! I do Christmas lights for the kids and to have our so called neighbours after months not talking to us say there is a baby next door and that it is ok for this to happen on weekends not weekdays at 9.45pm is just showing how plan stupid they are. I said to them I turn them off at the time we spoked about. Which was 10pm. I just cant work out why they are like this at all. Completely over it.
This all started when we put a letter in their letterbox asking them for them to control their yappie dog at 4.30am.
I also have a neighbour from hell.
We have had to put up with dogs barking, chooks in our yard, drug dealers at all times of day and night, and police raids.
I spoke to our neighbour across the road and she said turn the music up louder and the lights brighter, it does not bother her.
Then last night, the drug dealers, AKA our next door neighbours, brought their kid over to look at the lights.
It would be good if xmas lights could make people realise there is more to life than drugs!

Oh. BTW we turn our lights off at 9pm weeknights and 10pm weekends until the week before xmas.
Fortunately for our display haven't ever had a complaint yet and am mindful of neighbors try to keep the music volume down we also advise visitor's to keep noise down dont park in front of others driveways or walk on others lawns etc etc that is difficult to control and monitor and would be very annoying to neighbors but thankfully no troubles so far we do have one grumpy old neighbour but hasnt complained . Unfortunate you cant really choose your neighbors aslike family ! I feel for you guys and yes just don't get it ! As is only for a small period each year and is much worse things we could be doing but I feel some just get joy from complaining . Here in south Australia noise complaints can be anytime of day or night I know due to my brother being an annoyance to his neighbor with loud music as he didn't like them basically being a smartass .was fined for loud music on a Saturday afternoon and was a hefty sum from memory $300 or more and was informed that laws had changed and people had right to complain 24hrs 7 days a week . Hope you can sort it roo goodluckguys and merry xmas
I have had the neighbour come to me today and say, look I spokke to you the wrong way last night. The lights are fine, but could the beeping of horns be quiten down. I said to him I am well in my rights to have lights until 10pm and that I will make a sign and tell people please dont beep. See what happens next
I have my lights on from 6:30pm to 9:30pm each night at present and I think that's acceptable. I may extend it to a little later closer to Christmas eve.

I personally don't see the need to have a display running until really late hours, especially for the whole of the month. The number of people who will miss out is small, and I'd rather not be the cause of late night traffic / noise.
I have "one of those" neighbors. We do get a lot of traffic but it only takes him an extra minute or less to get to his driveway... but he can't have that.. They think they own the street at times..

We did the Great Christmas Light Fight last year and he told the producers he would do anything to stop my display from happening. He ran over the safety cones in the street which were lawfully placed and permitted. He was a pain until the cops went and "talked" to him.

We don't even run an outdoor sound system.. so noise isn't the issue.. He went to the city last year and became a pain to them as well.

I feel your pain.. We are actually dark this year in order to give a break.... Didn't have to be, but thought it was the neighborly thing to do.. even though he never talks to me any more.. Figured I would be the bigger man..
We invite the neighbours to a BBQ in the new year, we provide the BBQ, salads and some alcohol. Only a few come, and it's a great get together
lithgowlights, I agree a BBQ is the way to go, for the past four year on the Saturday I turn on the lights I invite all the neighbor over of a BBQ, it is easy for me as we only have 9 house on my street (it a dead end). when it gets dark I have one of the children push the green button to start the show for the season. My misses call is my bribery BBQ :)
I suggest taking the family over to his front door for a good old fashioned Christmas caroling.... When the song finishes pelt him with marshmallows then run away giggling.

Im Always here for advice if you need it (though it may not always be good advice...)

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We put them in a big oven and cook them up at halloween, so there is no problem at christmas.

( our neighbours are the sheep in the paddock... )
Just sitting here reading this thread thinking I’ve been lucky this year. I have one neighbor that usually complains and puts up no parking signs in front of his house. I haven’t heard from him yet so I was thinking/hoping he is ok with my lights this year. Well, he just rang my door bell and asked me to do something about all the people because the car exhaust fumes are making him and his wife sick. I told him I was sorry and didn’t know what to do. He said he would contact the city. I told him that was a good idea and to let me know what they say…. He doesn’t know it but I’ve won 1st place in the city Christmas light contest for the last 3 years. Hope he was just having a bad day.