What to name my display


Pixels! I need more pixels!
Jan 10, 2012
Gold Coast
As this is my first year, I am struggling with lots of things, one of them is what to call my display.

I live in Oxenford in the Regatta Waters estate.

I don't want to use my surname.

My display is exclusively LED and mostly pixels.

My display will only be for Christmas.

Any ideas to help me to choose a catchy name?

- Kaden
  • Lights on Leander
  • Regatta Christmas Lights
  • Christmas with a K
  • Oxen-Lights
  • non-Silent Lights
yeah thats all i got at the moment.
I like kristmas with a k (or christmas with a k).

Any other ideas?
I may or may not have just registered the domain kristm.as :)
Site name and website name are always nice match and we also bought another name and just liknked it to our christmas website. My wife did all that work.I just got shocked, burned , poked,blisters,no sleep,sore nexk and bought a lot off coffee.
About the name I like seeing the word family in the name personally. Its my families gift to the our friends,neighbors and the community and seeing other families come out and enjoy is the best part. Getting other families to create a tradition to go see shows and being what some children will look back on is great but something they will themselves possibly do in the future with their family if doing some sort of large display or taking their loved ones out to see them as they did as a kid.

Building so much stuff over the years maybe I should have kept a log. Dining room sequencing one night for 12 hrs straight my neck would up sore for a week once(always do from your comfortable seat).Soldering in shorts was a mistake one late night and some solder decided to jump on my leg, hot gluing star bulbs i had a little drip on me. I recall using the leaf blower to blow snow off the roof as we had 4" one time the night before i planned to do my roofline. My wife work hard on the website i was just mentioning some of the other stuff that came with the show over the years.