What’s the best way of using Universes?


Dec 19, 2016
I’m trying to set up my new show early, as last year I had problems, which I couldn’t work out until a day before Christmas.
I’m aware of the requirement to set-up Universes, which are up to 513 channels each, but are usually set to 512 (because 3 channels divide evenly into 512).
What I’d like to know is, what is the best (& easiest) way of setting-up/using the Universes in my Controler/Software (xLights)?
Last year I set up all of my lights and Universes, so they ran smoothly/concurrently, and there weren’t any gaps. However, should I just set-up each output port on my controller to the next free Universe? If it is OK to leave gaps at the end of the Universe, it would certainly make the setting up process much easier.
Any thoughts on this topic would be appreciated.
It's 512 channels and 510 channels actually.
As far as data transfer goes it's slightly better if you fill the universes as much as possible and don't leave huge gaps as the entire universes needs to be sent out regardless of whether there is 1 channel in use or 512.
The only real issue is to try to keep props on the same universe and not split universes across multiple controllers. Other than that you can assign and fill channels however suits.
okay, here are my problems: I brought a Alphapix 16 and 4 controllers. i used a calculator to figure out how many led stripes for my house outline I calculated that I will need 5 dmx universes. but this isn't including my 3 small matrixes on the second floor and I didn't add bats on roof, nor the arcs and tombstones in yard. the house outline is 2367 dmx channels the alpha 16 plug and play kit has only 350 watts of power, will I need to buy more power? if so where and how? my house is 2 story but not big. because I need 5 universe i realized I cant use Alpha4 controller, but the the 16 will have too much waste? I read you cant use the same controller for different items like the bats and the maxtrixes, or is It still possible to use the other universe left on the 16 for the props? I will appreciate any help I can get. I added house setup and excel calculations.Thanks.


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