Over an evening, we've had a bunch of the red lights in our RGB dumb strips go dim. It's spread out across the strip, with some working fine, and then a few very dim.
Background: We have one DMX controller and one power supply for every two strips (made into frames). These are supposed to be weatherproof, but they were bought on eBay, so apparently, maybe not so much. It's not affecting the green or blue lights, only the red. We split the DMX signal and power via a Y adapter, and have very short runs from the power supply to the lights.
If anyone has any ideas what else we can check, it would be appreciated. It's one of those things most people wouldn't notice, but it drives us nuts.
Here's a quick video so you can see what we are doing with the strips.
Background: We have one DMX controller and one power supply for every two strips (made into frames). These are supposed to be weatherproof, but they were bought on eBay, so apparently, maybe not so much. It's not affecting the green or blue lights, only the red. We split the DMX signal and power via a Y adapter, and have very short runs from the power supply to the lights.
If anyone has any ideas what else we can check, it would be appreciated. It's one of those things most people wouldn't notice, but it drives us nuts.
Here's a quick video so you can see what we are doing with the strips.