Which way is the best???


Senior elf
Jun 17, 2012
Karaka, Auckland, NZ
I have all my controller boxes/power supplies setup on timers, they turn on at 8pm for the show to start at 8.30pm.

The only one I have been unable to setup on timer is the LOR 240v. These controllers (steel enclosure) have 2 thick power cords coming out of them. Initially I plugged them into an outdoor power box like this one...

Unfortunately it says "Total load connected not to exceed 10A". I currently have one LOR DC board connected to it with the green cable going into house which is connected to a timer. So that one is OK.

I would really like to be able to put the LOR 240V on timer. I currently have it/them plugged into an outdoor double power point installed by the sparky a few weeks back. They run well. The problem is that we keep forgetting to turn it on/off.

I could have it turned on 24/7 therefore theres no forgetting or.....any ideas?
Shell you need to know the actual measured current going through your LOR boards, If the toatl current of both banks is below 10 amps then your good to go, If not then check to see if the timer has multiple switching contacts, (it wont if its just a domestic timer) if this is the case then you can divide the load over 2 switching contatcts.
The other way is to use the timer to drive a contactor/relay that has the current carrying capacity required.
My bad, meant to put that in.

I know bank 1/8 of the LOR 240v is 11.17A, thats how I blew the fuse when I plugged it into the green box.

Not sure how much banks 9-16 are but its much much less as the ropelight on Ch #3 is 7.26A of the 11.17A.

I have now switched one of the incan ropelights (the smaller one at 2A) over to #16.

So now both banks are under 10A.
After seeing that a lot of people have the controllers on 24/7, for the last 10days I have done just that with no problems. Two controller boxes are inside and one outside. But I am using only DC boards.
Try a pool/spa shop, they might have 15amp timers ready to go with plugs and all. Don't expect it to be cheap though!
I'm in the US, but leave my 4 CTB16PC controllers on 24/7. Never turn them off until the season is over. I'm not sure if it matters or is different with 240V, or DC. But that is my experience anyway.
For the last half of November and all December, I leave all my LOR systems powered 24/7. ie All the DC power supplies, as well as the AC and DC boards. I've had no problems. (I did have a problem when they were off and a gecko climbed into a PS and then got stuck in the fan when I turned the PS on.

I see no reason for relays.