Wire frame singing Christmas tree faces


Senior elf
Global moderator
Dec 29, 2015
You have mail.

Received my 4 Wire frame singing Christmas tree faces from http://www.christmascreations.net.au/ today, they didn't quite fit in the letterbox. :D They look good IMHO, they guys done a pretty good job of assembling them.
Got 2 girls and 2 boys (which will be great if I want to do ABBA Christmas songs (if they had such a thing?)). See pic

Now all I need to do is get 32 Channels of DC Controllers to run them and do all the sequencing. It's only February after all (he says casually whilst panicking he'll run out of time).

I've got my 16 channel AC Controller sorted and made some trees from rope lights, see http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,8513.msg77025.html#msg77025

I'm being a bit lazy this first year and buying as much stuff ready to run as possible, I know it's costing me more, but I know I'll at least get something up and running by Christmas, plus I don't have the space or tools to put some of this gear together.


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    wire xmas tree faces.jpg
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Oh ok. Sorry I'm new to this. I thought you could run a face off one channel and just sequence which lights come on or off in the software to give the effect. My ignorance in all of this is showing. Back to the manual. [emoji20]
With pixels on the trees they would be controlled from 1 output of the pixel controller and the software would control which lights would be on and what colour they are.
With dumb lights you need 1 channel of a DC board (or AC if you really have to) to control each section of the face. If the face was made to be rgb and dumb nodes or dumb rgb strip then you would need 3 channels per section or 4 for the entire face.
Be sure to let us know how you get on with setting them up. ie Controllers etc. Did you use the24v transformers from the same place?

I was thinking of something small (effort wise) to get me started. Was thinking mega tree, but these could work too (or maybe both )
I am interested to know what the quality of the frames are like, what gauge/size material is used etc.

I had a look at their website and the prices on the bare wire frames are reasonable, saves me having to source material and construct.

Anyone else purchased from this company?
bluewombat said:
Be sure to let us know how you get on with setting them up. ie Controllers etc. Did you use the24v transformers from the same place?

You may have to wait awhile. :)
I'm thinking of getting the LOR DC Controllers as I already have an LOR AC Controller and software. But there may be a Ready to Run system out on the market soon for these sort of singing Christmas trees :-X

I bought 1 x 24V Transformer off them just to test the lights.

He supplied 8 extension leads with each tree and a pack of 12 spare bulbs for nix, which I was happy about.
pookie said:
I am interested to know what the quality of the frames are like, what gauge/size material is used etc.

It'd be about 3mm aluminium wire, but I'll measure it tonight and post over the weekend. I'll take a close up of it next to a ruler.

Quality wise it's way better than I could make myself (but I'm a hopeless DIY Guy)
5mm aluminium, spot welded
lights are held on by little clips

see pic


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    tree closeup.jpg
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Thanks for the info. May look at getting a couple of bare wire frames in the future to try.