Wishing everyone a succesful 2012 Display


I have C.L.A.P
Global moderator
Apr 26, 2010
Albion Park NSW
I would like on behalf of the ACL team to wish you all a very successful year with your displays. As December 1 looms many displays will be fired up and for many this will be their first time with light control and music.
A lot of people have put in a lot of hard work to be in a position to create some magic with their displays and we wish everyone the best and hope they enjoy the atmosphere that they create.
We would also like to say that dont let the very small minority that may complain to get in the way of the enjoyment that you have given to your local community. You will be giving kids memories for a life time and helping give the Christmas spirit to all that come to see your display so focus on the joy you create.

So all the best to every single one of you out there, We hope you all do well and that we get to see videos of your creations.

Wishing you all the Best

The ACL Team

PS: If the forum helped you create your display then pass this on to others so others can get involved in this rewarding hobby.
I would also like to wish everyone the best for the coming display season and to thank everyone that helped me here, in chat, at the mini and even over the phone.
All the best for Christmas 2012 and have a fun and festive display season
Ditto from myself as well, am still not finished yet! However i wouldn't have got this far without the website/forusm/chatt and manuals/instructions to help me on my way. Thanks to all who have answered my numerous questions/problem sorting responses.
Cheers to all. Merry Christmas and A Prosperous/Happy New Year.
Boof63 and my suffering family (C.L.A.P. is not always contagious LOL)
:D :D :D :D :D
Merry Christmas to all.
Without a doubt I would not have a display up and going without all the great advice and info from this site, especially the online manuals so thanks to all.
Happy Displays.
I would like to thank all ACL members for there input and knowlage.
Without the infomation and support we are not be able enjoy this hobby.
Thanks again, It has changed my display from boring to very exciting and different every year.

Good Luck with all displays for 2012.

I too add my best wishes for all our members to have a happy and successful display season. May you all achieve what you wish for, whether that be lots of happy faces, big crowds, great donations, or simply the satisfaction of creating a great display and being able to sit back and enjoy the show.

May there be no more storms, hail, floods, heatwaves or other destructive acts of nature (at least until after Christmas).

Best wishes to all and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.
aussiexmas said:
I too add my best wishes for all our members to have a happy and successful display season. May you all achieve what you wish for, whether that be lots of happy faces, big crowds, great donations, or simply the satisfaction of creating a great display and being able to sit back and enjoy the show.

May there be no more storms, hail, floods, heatwaves or other destructive acts of nature (at least until after Christmas).

Best wishes to all and a very MERRY CHRISTMAS.

same you you, looking forward to coming to your display this year.

All the best to everyone
Same here, I know I'm on the verge of a great display. Just need father time to be a little kinder. Good luck all. Hope it all works out.