wow the LOR s3 superstar autosequencer is great


I love blinky lights :)
Community project designer
Dec 27, 2010
I was of the belief that the new superstar feature that is part of LOR S3 was only for CCR type designs and it simply converted animations into blinky light features. kel from here set me right with the following link

Autosequencing without CCRs

I was a bit amazed with how simple the process was. With a bit of playing getting my visualisation file right (i had a prop that had no channel assigned and it causes a hang in superstar) I loaded up my visualisation into superstar, grabbed a song, followed the destructions shown on the video, picked roll dice just to try pot luck and then made a sequence. About 30s later it had finished a 250 channel sequence which when played was reasonably usable just as it was.
As I haven't upgraded my S3 to include superstar and as I don't know how many CCR channels I'd have to "buy" to get my 250 channels of mostly dmx strings I can't use the sequence yet but sometime in the next couple of days that will be rectified. I'll get a video of my results up here as soon as I can to show what it can do.

Awesome work LOR that's all I can say. S3 may have been very slow in arriving but it was worth the wait.
Hi Aah
Have you wored out how many CCR channels you require yet?? How is your progress with the superstar sequencer
Each CCR is equivalent to 150 Ch ... so x 2 is 300 ...

However, it does import the macro channels for the CCR as well (151-157) ... maybe you could allocate them to other channels or controllers ... ???

Note: Within LOR, the SSS should be set up as a subsequence (recommended)
Hi Kel
I am new to this and have just started playing with the SSS, how do you set it up as a subsequence
I have had a look here and on the LOR website and forum.
Please help
I'm not sure what you're meaning by a subsequence. My knowledge of a lot of the good stuff in LOR is also a bit limited. What you can do if you only want a partial sequence is to create a visualiser file with only the required elements and then auto sequence that.