wrong colors on ecg12-pr


Apprentice elf
Mar 29, 2011
Quitman GA
Just setup a new ecg12-pr for ws2811 pixel strip (12V) RGB. Color output us wrong (Blue is green, Red is blue and green is red).
changed the rgb-rgb to each of the other combinations (rgb-rbg etc). and rebooted each time. color output is the same regardless of which selection I try. set a simple color test with all pixels same color cycling from red then green then blue then white (which is the only one that ouputs correct), after each selection change in the setup screen and rebooting to confirm changes then ran the same short sequence again and the pixel output is the same combination each time. (also tried a second new pixel strip with the exact same color error.

Any ideas where to look?
I had the same issue. topic link below.
Just for info, Im using same strips and mine were BRG from the factory.
I went through the String Effect tabs as Kane and Ed wrote, and just tested each effect until I got RGB.
As it turned out, the effect that had mine running the right way was RGB-GRB. Not sure how or way, but she's fixed.
hopefully this link will help.
These very rarely come as RGB thats why it can be change via the hardware or even through software, so the issue really is only a minimal one
But looking at JerryMac's original post, he's tried changing the Rgb mapping in the p2 config.

Probably worth posting a screenshot of the effects page.. I'm thinking that the "act" (ie active) checkbox may not be checked?