Xlight and Automation


New elf
Jan 4, 2024
Hi there.

Been a while since I posted.
I’ve recently been learning how to Intergrate DMX moving heads with an external Artnet controller and Xlights.

For the most part I’ve had everything working (pan, tilt, colours, gobo, dimming), just a few bugs bears such as calibration but I’ll get there.

My reason for posting here, and still being an xLights newbie if I am looking for some features that I am not even sure exist.

I’m basically looking for an easier and cleaner way to create a lighting sequence by capturing the movements of my fixtures via an external controller.

Coming from the world of audio originally, this is something that I have done using non-linear audio sequencing software (DAWs).
Usually this meant capture mixing desk and fader control some way of an external midi / usb interface, and capture my fader changes while the music played back.

Is something like this even possible in xLights?

I’d love some way to move faders on the fly while testing my sequence and capturing the movements, even via a mouse!

Let me know your thoughts.