xLights/Nutcracker release 3.0.23. New effects for Fire


Dedicated elf
Jan 19, 2012
4217 Greenfinch Dr CO 80126
Release 23:
new ability to change color of fire effect. Also you can now animate fire so it will grow over time
Better random effect generation for Spirographs.
New, under development, model generation. You will be able to setup models in Excel and paste into the new custom model screen.
This means we will soon support snowflakes, stars, firesticks, candles, lights wrapped around a car. watch for future release to complete this new option from Frank.

here are new options in fire.


release notes:

3.0.23: Jul 28,2013 - Enhancement: (sean) Fire effect now allows hue shift. You can now have green, blue fire.
- Enhancement: (sean) Fire effect now has a "Grow Fire?". If you click yes, the height of the fire will grow over time
- Enhancement: (frankr) Before if you changed or created a sequence and then clicked exit, program would just exit and you would lose your
change. Now, you will be prompted if you want to save before exit.
- Enhancement: (frankr) Random effect generation. When creating a Spirograph, the Animate button will always be set and the little radius will be
set to its minimum value. By setting r to zero and setiing animate to true, random spirographs will now always produce an animation.
- Enhancement: (frankr) New choice in model generation. You can now select custom. We are not quite done with this but it will support having
coro snowflakes, stars, strings wrapped around a car, fire sticks, candles,. Basically any model. Watch this space for a future tutorial.
Hi Sean, I have created an effect using Fire with text layered (& tried other layer methods). It looks good in Nutcracker but when I import it into HLS I am unable to see the text. The only effect that shows up is fire. I have tried a couple of different things like making text effect 1 and fire effect 2 and vice versa. I have tried a couple of different fonts but the text still doesn't show up. It was working in 3.21 and before.