Xlights Problem


New elf
Dec 2, 2021
Hello All I am starting to learn how to use Xlights and if I am just trying to do something simple to have my strands using the single strand with 2 colors when I output to my lights they look to be flashing like a strobe light really fast. I am not sure how to get them to look nice and smooth with out flashing, Is this something someone here could help me out with

Also posted to DIYC:
How do they look on screen? if they are smooth on screen but strobing IRL you might have a wiring problem.

Do you have anything else that might be trying to send data to the lights? could also be a cause.
So I used vixen and they are fine with that program. I want to switch to XLights And they look good onscreen jut not irl
I did I was thinking that might have been the problem but the lights work fine when running in vixen with XLights open just not In XLights while I still had vixen opened
Ok that fixed the problem.

I have one more question how do I set up dates and time that my show will play I am not seeing anyway to set that up with in XLights or XSchedluer
I don’t see a place to pick the date and time to start and end the show
I didn’t see anything that said schedule but I will look again and see if I can see it