2012 Mini Brisbane

== Australian Brisbane Mini ==
Here lies the details for the 2012 Australian Brisbane Mini.

=== Dates and Times ===
|marker1 = Ipswich Showground, 81 Warwick Rd Ipswich QLD

'''When:''' June 16th and 17th, 2012

'''Costs:''' $20 covers both days (Lunch included)

'''Where:''' [http://maps.google.com.au/maps?q=Ipswitch+Showground+81+Warwick+Rd+Ipswich&hl=en&sll=-27.62899,152.758144&sspn=0.006064,0.011362&t=h&z=17 Ipswich Showground, 81 Warwick Rd Ipswich QLD] (entry from intersection of Salisbury Rd & Warwick Rd)
:* {{PDFlink|[[media:Show_Grounds.pdf|DOWNLOAD Show Grounds Mud Map]]}}

'''Forum discussion:''' http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1262.0.html

=== Preliminary Details ===

Welcome to the Wiki page for the Australian Brisbane Mini.

Following the success of our first Qld Mini organization has commenced on our next event.

For those not sure what a Mini is. The Mini is an event where we all get together and learn from each other and discuss and view new types of controllers, software and lighting options.

The 2012 event will have lots of new people to meet and many controllers which are produced locally to look at and play with.
The focus of this event will cover software control as well as practical hands on displays of a range of controllers from [http://www.j1sys.com/ethcongateway/ J1sys] to control your pixels to DMX controllers from our china friends and David at [https://www.audiovisualdevices.com.au/products.php?catid=16&grpid=1695= Audio Visual Devices] as well as equipment from commercial suppliers like [http://www.lightorama.com/ Light-O-Rama] all controlling basic strings, ws2801 pixels and RGB lighting.
Additional workshop on basic skills required for a more DIY approach will also be available. As well as basic animation for your display.

All you need to know to set everything up from a basic first time display to a mega channel showpiece that consumes your every spare minute.

This is the one...

=== Accomodation ===
Did a quick look in the calendar and there is an event on in Ipswich that will fill up the local accommodation houses on the same weekend as the Mini. It's the Ipswich Cup (horse racing)
For those of you who are staying in town you might want to look into bookings.
I have done a little map and some local options for Motels. The show grounds also caters as a caravan park if anyone wants to do it that way.

*'''A:'''[http://dl.dropbox.com/u/39402680/Showgrounds%20Caravan.pdf Caravan site @ Australian Mini Brisbane Location]
*'''B:'''[http://www.questapartments.com.au/Accommodation/111/Australia/Queensland_Regional/Quest_Ipswich/Welcome.aspx= Quest Ipswich]
*'''C:'''[http://ipswichheritage.bestwestern.com.au Best Western]
*'''D:'''[http://www.oakshotelsresorts.com/ipswich-accommodation/ Ipswich Oaks Aspire]
*'''E:'''[http://www.ipswichinternational.com.au/Site/100785.asp Ipswich International]
*'''F:'''[http://www.countrycomforthotels.com.au/= Country Comfort Ipswich]
*'''G:'''[http://www.wotif.com/hotel/View?hotel=W13466&startDay=2012-03-16&adults=1&children=0&child1Age=0&child2Age=0&child3Age=0&child4Age=0&child5Age=0&child7Age=0&child8Age=0&child9Age=0&page=4&viewType=all= Ipswich City Motel (not on map,across from showground]]


=== Attendees ===
# ѕυρєямαη (Steve)
# David_AVD
# ɟɐsʇǝppʎ
# Aussiephil
# Aussiexmas (Geoff)
# Bevo
# Joekin (Joe)
# danbar77
# HarrisonK
# Brownie (Ben)
# sparklerob (Rob)
# Kayden
# DougieB
# Jason Vella
# Beefer
# Driver
# Toodle_pipsky (Ingrid)
# Brettus
# kwiksmart (Lisa)
# RADLX Jesse
# RADLX Mick
# RADLX Skye
# dropbear_luke
# EricOutbackNT (Eric)
# miked
# Damien
# Penquineer
# aarondwyer
# Gm (Garrett)
# swfraserau
# Xccentric (Andrew)
# Jeffrae
# Kel

=== What's happening - Saturday===

{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! width="15%" |Presenter
! width="10%" |Time
! width="55%" colspan="2" |Activity
! width="20%" |PDF/Link
! colspan="6" | SATURDAY - 16th June
| 8:00 am
| Meet everyone
| Doors Open grab a coffee
| ѕυρєямαη
| 8:30 am
| Welcome and Intro's
| ѕυρєямαη
| 8:45 am
| Demo
| Starting Simple - Intro to plug and play systems using Light O Rama 16ch 240v AC board and USB485 LOR dongle
| [http://store.lightorama.com/rese16chstpa.html LOR Starter Pack]
| Aussiexmas
| 9:15
| Presentation
| Considerations in the design of your lights layout and control strategies
| 9:45 am
! colspan="4" | Morning Tea
| AussiePhil ѕυρєямαη DougieB
| 10:00 am
| Presentation demo's
| Software Options- An overview with live output software demos on all the poplar choices.
| [http://joehinkle.com/HLS/ HLS][http://store.lightorama.com/sopr.html LOR] [http://www.lightshowpro.com/content/ LSP][http://www.doityourselfchristmas.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vixen Vixen][https://usd.swreg.org/com/shop/32282/cart/4299348001/ LFP] [http://www.madrix.com/ Madrix][http://meighan.net/nutcracker/index.html Nut_Cracker] [http://www.etcconnect.com/Community/wikis/products/pixeltoy.aspx PixelToy]
| 12:00 pm
! colspan="4" | LUNCH
| ɟɐsʇǝppʎ
| 1:00 pm
| Intro to E1.31
| [http://dl.dropbox.com/u/25894067/Introduction%20to%20E1.31%20presenation%20V1.1.ppsx Download]
| 1:30
| Understanding your lighting choices China V Store bought
| smeighan (Developer of Nutcracker)
| 2:00 pm
|Web cast demo of Nutcracker and new features
|[http://meighan.net/nutcracker/index.html Nut Cracker]
| 3:00 pm
! colspan="4" | Afternoon Tea
| 3:30 pm
| Connect E1.31 controller (pixad8)to a 2400 channel pixel mega tree. Run DMX controllers using EthConGateway DR-4. Based on ѕυρєямαη's Display
| [http://dl.dropbox.com/u/39402680/SETUP.pdf Download]
| 4:00 pm
| 5:00 pm
| Get some rest. tomorrow is another big day

=== What's happening - Sunday===

{| class="wikitable" width="95%"
! width="15%" |Presenter
! width="10%" |Time
! width="55%" colspan="2" |Activity
! width="20%" |PDF/Link
! colspan="6" | SUNDAY - 17th June
| ѕυρєямαη
| 9:00 am
| Tutorial
| Setting up your display in LSP - Tips and tricks to getting the most out of your RGB Display
| .
| .
| Working with Coro - See how easy it is to build something and control it
| [http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1723.0.html ɟɐsʇǝppʎ's Canes]
| .
| Working with Servo's - I'll have some of my little friends there
| [http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1204.0.html ѕυρєямαη's Toy's]
| .
| 12:00 pm
! colspan="4" | LUNCH
| ѕυρєямαη
| 1:00 pm
| Nutcracker and Pixel toy demo, Using additional Software
| [http://meighan.net/nutcracker Nutcracker] [http://www.etcconnect.com/Community/wikis/products/pixeltoy.aspx PixelToy]
| 1:30 pm
| 3:00 pm

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