ACL LED Strobe

ACL LED Strobe

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Soldering Required
Soldering Difficulty
Required Materials
See #Required Parts

The ACL Strobe is a small 12.5mm x 19mm board. It has been designed to use a choice of LED's (1W, 1/2W or 3x3mm).

There are also 3 configuration choices when building this board:
  1. Build as a two wire basic channel controlled constant current LED.
  2. Build as a three wire device that has low trigger current from say a buffer driver (2-3mA required).
  3. Build as 2 or 3 wire plus the addition of a PIC to provide random firing of LED like a real strobe.



See the PDF for programming instructions.


1.0 File no longer available

  • Revision 1.0

Build Instructions

Step 1: Prepare board.

Get the board.

Step 2: Solder resistors onto the board

  1. Solder the required resistors on to the circuit board.
  2. Place and solder the one required current selecting resistor on the strobe board.
  3. #: 33ohms for 30mA or 6.98ohms for 100mA or 2.1ohms for 300mA.
  4. Place and solder to 100k resistor used for the PIC (if required).
  5. Place and solder 2x 1k resistors used for the transistor (if required).

Step 3: Solder the NUD4001 onto the strobe board.[/H]
Carefully place and solder the NUD4001 into place.

Step 4: Solder the PIC onto the strobe board.

Carefully place and solder the PIC into place.

Please note this is not required for build options 1 and 2.

Step 5: Solder the transistor into the strobe board.

Fit and solder the transistor into the strobe board and trim.

Please note this is not required for build option 1.

Step 6: Solder the LED into the strobe board.

Fit and solder the selected LED into the strobe board careful to use correct orientation.

Step 7: Program the strobe pattern.

A variety of strobe flashing patterns are available to give a random flashing effect.

Step 8: Solder the flying leads to the board.

Finally solder the leads that you have decided to use to the board.

Placing the trigger wire into either the random or permanent on position.

Required Parts

Mouser Part NumberQtyDescription
660-RK73H2BTTD33R0F **1Thick Film Resistors - SMD 1/4watts 33ohms 1% - used for normal 20mA LED's
660-RK73H2BTTD6R98F **1Thick Film Resistors - SMD 1/4watts 6.98ohms 1% - used for 100mA LED
660-RK73H2BTTD2R00F **1Thick Film Resistors - SMD 1/4watts 2ohms 1% - used for 350mA LED
660-RK73H2BTTD1001F2Thick Film Resistors - SMD 1/4watts 1Kohms 1% - used with Transistor
290-100K-RC1Thick Film Resistors - SMD 1/8WATT 100KOHMS 1% - used with transistor
863-NUD4001DR2G1LED Drivers MI 60V LED DRVR TR - required to drive the LED
579-PIC10F200T-I/OT1Microcontrollers (MCU) .375kBF 16RM 4I/O - small PIC to provide standalone usage
863-P2N2222AG1Bipolar Small Signal 600mA 75V NPN - used to provide on-off triggering

note. ** Only one of the three type of resistor is required for each board. Pick the resistor which suits the led you are planing on using.

TPR1 Mouser BOM, this can used with Mouser BOM Import.

660-RK73H2BTTD33R0F | 1

660-RK73H2BTTD6R98F | 1

660-RK73H2BTTD2R00F | 1

660-RK73H2BTTD1001F | 2

290-100K-RC | 1

863-NUD4001DR2G | 1

579-PIC10F200T-I/OT | 1

863-P2N2222AG | 1

Also Required


For most configurations 5VDC power will be required.

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