
The APC749 controller accepts pixel input (LPD6803 format) and drives 3 DC channels. It "consumes" 3 channels (1 pixel's worth) of pixel data.

The sales and support thread can be found [http://auschristmaslighting.com/forums/index.php/topic,1493.0.html here].


* Pixel or separate DC input (12V)
* Three DC outputs (5A max load total)
* PCB size is 38mm x 51mm
* Supplied fully built and tested

==DC Input==
If you want to power the APC749 output from a separate DC supply, leave the 2 solder pads behind the DC input connector un-bridged. Feed the external DC into the 2 pin green terminal block. The polarity is marked next to it.

If you want to the DC output power to come from the pixel input, bridge the 2 solder pads behind the DC input connector and leave the 2 pin green terminal block unused. Be careful how much current you pull from the pixel input in this mode, especially if this board is on the end of a set of pixels.

Please note that the board is optimised for 12V operation. If you power this board from the pixel input and the pixel power is only 5V, you will need to short out the 1K resistor behind the DC terminal block. Only do this for 5V systems though. You can use this board in a 5V pixel system as long as you power the board from a separate 12V supply. If in doubt, please ask first!

==Pixel Input==
There is a 4 way connector for pixel input. The pinout is the same as the J1SYS products.

==Pixel Output==
There is a 4 way connector for pixel output. The pinout is the same as the J1SYS products.

There is a small green LED on the PCB. It is on when power is available on the DC output side.

[[Image: APC749.jpg]]


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