This page runs though some of the wiki bbcodes available to you during editing.
Basic Formatting
The wiki uses the same editor as the forum. In the default (rich text) editing mode, basic formatting like bold, italic, underline, font colours and sizes, and hyperlinks all render directly inside the editor while editing.
Hotkeys: Ctrl+B will bold selected text, Ctrl+I will make text italic, and Ctrl+U will underline selected text.
[URL][/URL] or [URL=]Find it on Google[/URL]
Hotkeys: Ctrl+B will bold selected text, Ctrl+I will make text italic, and Ctrl+U will underline selected text.
Unordered and ordered lists also display directly inside the editor
Tip: Use the 'Indent' button to create nested lists. To 'escape' from adding further points to a list, press enter twice (or more when escaping from nested lists).
- Unordered
- list
- With unordered nesting
- Ordered
- list
- With ordered nesting
- Ordered
- list
- With unordered nesting
[*]With unordered nesting
Embedded media sites
Content from supported media sites that embed into forum posts also work on wiki pages, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Google Maps, and many others. Clicking the media editor button (this looks like a segment of film) will display a list of supported media sites.
For example, the following link:
Turns into this:
For example, the following link:
Wiki Formatting
In addition to basic formatting, there are a few bbcodes unique to the wiki to help format a wiki page. These codes do not render inside of the rich editor, however you can get a sense for what they look like by previewing your wiki page edit revision. At the time of editing, click the green "Preview" button found beneath the editing box and your edits will be rendered on your screen only above the editor area. If you are happy with how it looks remember to save your edit.
[H]Default (Level 2) Heading[/H]
[H="3"](Level 3 Sub-heading[/H]
[H="4"](Level 4 Sub-heading[/H]
Link to other wiki pages
The simplest wiki link will insert the linked page title, but you can also specify your own text
Basic link: AusChristmasLighting 101
Custom text: Get started with the 101 manual
Basic link: AusChristmasLighting 101
Custom text: Get started with the 101 manual
Basic link: [wiki]Page Name[/wiki]
Custom text: [wiki="Page Name"]Alternate text[/wiki]
Creating tables can be a little tedious as you'll need to preview your wiki edits to see what the table looks like. They are however made of only a few different puzzle pieces as detailed below.
Table Syntax Explained
Note: Each line must start on a new row
A basic table cell must start with "|".
A header cell uses "!" instead.
Use "|-" to start a new row.
Use "|+" to display an optional table caption.
A basic table cell must start with "|".
| Cell text
! Header 1
| Previous Row
| Next Row
|+ My Table is Awesome
Table Syntax Example
|+ Optional caption
! Header 1
! Header 2
| Line 1 Cell 1
| Line 1 Cell 2
| Line 2 Cell 1
| Line 2 Cell 2
|+ Optional caption
! Header 1
! Header 2
| Line 1 Cell 1
| Line 1 Cell 2
| Line 2 Cell 1
| Line 2 Cell 2
Horizontal Rule (divider)
File attachments
File attachments can be images, or selected non-image formats. To add an attachment to a wiki page use the yellow "File" editor button. You can add an existing wiki file attachment or upload a new one.
Here are some usage example with and without the optional parameters:
In addition to common image formats, the following file extensions are permitted:
Here are some usage example with and without the optional parameters:
[file]Name-of-file.jpg[/file] This will display a full size image.
[file]Name-of-file.jpg|120px|thumb[/file] This will display a 120px thumbnail which when clicked goes to a page with the full size image.
[file]Name-of-file.jpg|60px|right|border|thumb|some caption text[/file] This will display a 60px thumbnail floating on the righthand side with text wrapping around it and when clicked will go to a page with the full size image.
In addition to common image formats, the following file extensions are permitted:
csv, doc, docx, hex, las, lee, lms, lpf, pdf, pps, ppsx, ppt, pptx, stl, tim, txt, vix, xls, xlsx, xml, xmodel, xtiming
To make things easier, the wiki has a range of template pages that can be inserted into pages time and time again. For example, the following code renders an info message that might be useful if a page section is empty.
Templates can also use other templates. The above example is actually a customised version of the Fmbox message template which will display other kinds of messages with the right parameters:
Most templates live in the Templates sub-area under the Wiki Pages area. See
This section is currently empty. If you think you can add relevant details here then please do.
Templates can also use other templates. The above example is actually a customised version of the Fmbox message template which will display other kinds of messages with the right parameters:
Water and electricity don't mix.
[template]Template:Fmbox|text=Water and electricity don't mix.|type=warning|icon=bath[/template]
Most templates live in the Templates sub-area under the Wiki Pages area. See
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