2016 Mini Melbourne

Here lies the details for the 2016 Melbourne Christmas PlugFest (aka Mini)

Mini Christmas Expos 2016

Melbourne Mini 2016
May 14-15, 2016
Sydney Mini 2016
June 4-5, 2016
Brisbane Mini 2016
April 30-May 1, 2016
Adelaide Mini 2016
May 28-29, 2016
Perth Mini 2016
No plans for a mini...yet

Dates and Times

When: Sat 14 (9.00 AM to 4.00 PM) and Sun 15 May 2016 (9.00 AM to 3.00 PM), Breakfast from 8.15 AM each day.

Costs: $20-$25 / head (will work out when we know how many people will come) includes breakfast, lunch each day.

Where: CNC Design, 1K Marine Parade, Abbotsford, 3167 . Park in our car park.
The closest Rail Station Collingwood 5 min walk.

Forum discussion: https://auschristmaslighting.com/threads/2016-melbourne-mini-plugfest-14th-15th-may.8323/

Streaming: (tune in from around 9:30 am AEST) Streaming will be organised (well if somebody want to do it) and details will be posted here

WiFi: WiFi@CNCDesign1K


This year we will be at CNC Design in Abbotsford. The event will be catering for members of all ages and experiences so no matter if you are a newbie or a veteran please come along and enjoy two days of information and discussion sessions on what is new in Christmas Lighting. More importantly get to know other ACL members a passion for this hobby.

We will have this in May so you have lots of time think about and organise new lighting goodies for this Christmas. The Melbourne Plug Fest is one of the feature events for the ACL year.

NOTE Door prize will include:
Door prizes will be added as they come to hand.

Facilities include - Meeting room for 35 people with Projector and Internet access, kitchen adjacent to meeting room, room for a bbq and plenty of car parking. All just 3km from the Melbourne CBD.

How to get there - Car, Train (Closest station is Collingwood which is 5 min walk) or tram to Victoria Street Richmond (also 5 min walk)

If you plan to come, please add you name to this list or make a comment on the forum link above.
'''Entry is not limited to ACL members. If you are interested and would like to come then let us know'''


* multicast
* tuppetsdad
* buzzdude
* djgra79 (sunday)
* Davidt (Plus Paul)
* Seemylights
* AdamR
* gerry
* Battle79
* damona
* DavidJ247
* cdjazman
* AndrewA
* diyer
* Fing
*rudolph (+1)

*Brother Tuppet

Others - Please post on forum (link above) If you think you will come and if it will be Saturday and Sunday or just one day as we have to arrange the catering.

Will send out email to prompt Victorian members


Sat Morning.. 9:00 – 9:15
A word from Our Hosts
What we are going to do this weekend.

9:15 TuppetsDad. – So we have got some lights
Session1: So we have got some lights and gear. We need a plan of what we are going to build. Lets
see what stuff we have brought to the mini, and we’ll see what good use we can put it to! We’re going
to create a Plan of attack. Hope someone is good with whiteboard pens.

10:30 Coffee Break – How do you make it talk.. What are these “protocols
Session 2: How does this stuff talk together.. So, we need to plug it in.. We'll cover DMX, E1.31
in both unicast and multicast and see what difference it makes.. In the practical side, we'll
configure some devices and for the uber geeks we'll capture some packets and look at wireshark. At
the end of the morning, we should have some things lit up and under control. There will be some hands
on here as well.

12:30 Lunch.

1:30 Session 3. Sequencing with Xlights – Gerry
So, What controls all this stuff.. . A Controller? And how do you make the pretty lights flash in time
with the music.. In an hour you’ll be a guru.

QuickTalk A: Marketing your Christmas Lights Show – Sam Rowley!

Afternoon tea..

Session 4, Sequencing workshops.
So, with what you learned in Session 3, and in in the morning, we are going to get set on working on
one or two of our songs.. We’ll be breaking up into a few teams, so we’ll need a few of our more
experienced team to step up and guide you through.
Optionally, for anyone who really wants too Multicast will take you on a deep deep dive of lighting
control protocols and multicast.. Warning, this could be very uber-geeky.

Quick Talk B: Show and Tell.. you get 90 seconds a spot to tell a few war story's or show your
favorite video clip of your show.. Keep it short and snappy, we’ll have spots for about 10 people.

Sunday Morning: 9:00am
Quick talk C: Whats new in lighting control Protocols... e1.31 enhancements, e1.33.. ( what the heck
is that ) and E1.40.. ( positioning data for show control ).. From your friendly CPWG member Mr

Session 5 : Falcons, Rapsberry PI's, beagles, P10’s, Radio Stations, Fruit and other topics..
Alan is going to talk to us about all those cool things that you might just want to plug in.
Morning Tea:

Session 6: Sequencing Practical Part 2.. this is when you’ll need to get your show polished and ready..
Quick Talk E and F: Audio Editing and then Talking faces ( Djgra and Fing )

BBQ Lunch:

Session 7: SHOW TIME! We’ll be enjoying the show that we’ve put together
Afternoon Tea and Wrap up
- Volunteers for 2017?
- Questions
Home time.

* Bring along stuff to show off and to use in our lighting show.
* Demonstrate or see how to set up and use Sequencing software.
* Show or look at hardware for blinky.
* Get some ideas on what you could do for your show.

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