Mini Christmas Expos 2016
Melbourne Mini 2016
- May 14-15, 2016
Sydney Mini 2016
- June 4-5, 2016
Brisbane Mini 2016
- April 30-May 1, 2016
Adelaide Mini 2016
- May 28-29, 2016
Perth Mini 2016
- No plans for a mini...yet
Here lies the details for the 2016 Sydney Lighting Mini
Dates and Times
When: Sat Jun 4 (9.00 AM to 4.00 PM) and Sun Jun 5 2016 (9.00 AM to 3.00 PM)
Costs: TBA
Where: Sydney Fish Markets
Forum discussion:
Streaming: NO plans to stream this year, but we will be recording where practical. Recorded videos will be uploaded to the AusChristmasLighting YouTube account
- xLights introduction
- Vixen introduction
- LOR introduction
- LSP introduction
- DMX/e131 basics
- Boxes & waterproofing
- Controllers
- Managing crowds, visitors and charity collections
- 3D printing
- Build your own wireframes
- Engineering mega trees
- Mounting lights for easy erection and disassembly - maybe a couple of people could contribute here ... brick and concrete tile rooves, weatherboard and tin roofs etc - maybe more of a facilitated session than all content from the presenter.
- Fusing and other safety
- Soldering strips, pig tails etc
- Test equipment and tools ... the right equipment makes the job easier
- Coro / Singing faces
- Contributing to open source lights projects
- Interactivity
- Vixen deep dive
- xLights deep dive
2016 Minis
List of Mini Expos
Sydney Minis
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- Contributors: