fpp Raspberry Pi question


If I rest, I rust.
Sep 22, 2020
Triangle, NY
I guess I am a step below a newbie. I've watched so many of the videos on downloading and setting up FPP on the Pi, but as I have never used a Pi before ... is the FPP considered the OS, or do I install a Raspbian OS before loading FPP? I've ordered a Pi4 model B and a micro SD, waiting for them to arrive next week. I'm also ordering an f16v3.
Sorry in advance for my ignorance.
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I guess I am a step below a newbie. I've watched so many of the videos on downloading and setting up FPP on the Pi, but as I have never used a Pi before ... is the FPP considered the OS, or do I install a Raspbian OS before loading FPP? I've ordered a Pi4 model B and a micro SD, waiting for them to arrive next week. I'm also ordering an f16v3.
Sorry in advance for my ignorance.
Hi @assilem4791

Not an ignorant question at all, btw if every newbie asks this question their FPP experience was more pleasant.
Yes, FPP is considered the OS. Use (Balena) etcher or similar to burn the image instead of extracting the files.**
No, no need for the raspian OS.
Be sure to format the SD card properly before load FPP on it.

A word of advice:
RPi4 runs hot, plans for a passive cooling system.
If you get a Cana kit or similar that comes w a preload SD card, get a different SD. Partitions will make you suffer.
Read the FPP manual.
Get familiar with the image burning process.**
Read and ask questions about the network setups before starts to set the FPP up.

Let us know how else we can help.
Good Luck!
Edit, typo, sentencing, and add deleted sentences relate to etcher.
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Thank you so much! Little deets like this are not in any of the videos I've watched on YouTube!!
You don't need to format the SD card before burning FPP onto it. Balena Etcher or whatever alternative you use to burn the FPP image to the SD card takes care of that. The image contains 2 separate file formats which is why it's necessary to "burn" the image onto the sd card rather than just extract the image onto a formatted card.
The FPP image contains both the linux operating system as well as the FPP program. There's no need to do anything other than burn the image.
You don't need to format the SD card before burning FPP onto it. Balena Etcher or whatever alternative you use to burn the FPP image to the SD card takes care of that. The image contains 2 separate file formats which is why it's necessary to "burn" the image onto the sd card rather than just extract the image onto a formatted card.
The FPP image contains both the linux operating system as well as the FPP program. There's no need to do anything other than burn the image.

Formatting SD cards are part of my daily problem solving routine at work, I get used to advising to do it so much as always do the trick!
FPP isnt a requirement for the display. Lots of people use xSchedule and use a PC. If you want to keep things simple first year thats another option
FPP isnt a requirement for the display. Lots of people use xSchedule and use a PC. If you want to keep things simple first year thats another option

I didn't know that either! I've already ordered the Pi, but if I can't get things working correctly, maybe I'll do this instead. Thanks for letting me know about this option! I have a PC that I used for remote schooling last march - june that is just sitting there collecting dust now. That'd be a good use for it.
You don't need to format the SD card before burning FPP onto it. Balena Etcher or whatever alternative you use to burn the FPP image to the SD card takes care of that. The image contains 2 separate file formats which is why it's necessary to "burn" the image onto the sd card rather than just extract the image onto a formatted card.
The FPP image contains both the linux operating system as well as the FPP program. There's no need to do anything other than burn the image.
Thanks! I didn't know it had both the OS and the FPP. :) It makes a lot more sense now.
I have been using the raspberry Pi imager as it can put a FPP image on an sd card as good or better than the rest.
I too just ordered my pi 4 b to run FPP in the attic. I don’t want to use my big desktop computer to run it.

I think you did well going for the Pi.
Also come back when you can't get xLights to upload the inputs and outputs to the controller through your Pi. That drove me nuts! I've only just got mine working properly.
I too just ordered my pi 4 b to run FPP in the attic. I don’t want to use my big desktop computer to run it.

I think you did well going for the Pi.
I think Pi is definitely the way to go. Seems like there are a lot of people using this set up, therefore, easier to find help if you run into a problem.