Projecting to window


New elf
Dec 3, 2018
hey all

All these projectors I see in windows, are you running them inside as a rear projection or externally projecting onto a surface.

I see Bunnings selling the Arlec kit cheap but not sure how that works
The projector from Bunnings is not so good from what I've heard. If you're after something cheap, the Excelvan 33+ can be got on eBay for ~ $88 at present.
When using a projector for a virtual Santa then the surrounding conditions also need to be considered because if you have a lot of light coming back towards the window from your other lights or you have the lights on in the room its being played then it will look washed out and so you would require a projector with a higher Lumen output.
Most will project from the back placing the projector on the ground and pointing up towards the window so you don't get a hot spot showing through. Most use a white sheet or shower curtain to project the image on to
I used the Arlec projector outside for a small tombstone animation, and it is quite dull, so it needs to be quite dark outside in order for it to really work well.
SO if you are using a projector as Eddy mentioned above, if you have lots of other lghts flashing around the window etc, then you would need a bright projector to cut through all that ambient light to see the images clearer/better.
This is our Santa's workshop in the window from Atmosfx. Projected from inside the room. Previously used a VGA projector which was ok but this year splashed out on an Acer short throw 1080p projector and image is much better. I wouldn't bother using one of the cheap LED projectors - they are just not bright enough and the screen door effect is very prominent once the image fills the window. I used the LED projector for something small like the tombstone projection for which it is bright enough and the screen door effect isn't that noticeable on a small tombstone. I do need to put a black voil between the sheet and the window to stop some of the light bleed from the bright projector on the sheet and that also helps make the sheet somewhat disappear.


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if you have tinted windows to keep out the glare and sunlight, then you need a very bright projector to get any sort of clear vision:(:(:(
Can't make it work on our house.
Cheers Boof63
Yes the the cheap $2 plastic table cloth. i bought a couple of them 3 years ago thinking I would replace it each year. But it is still as good as the day I got it. (better than land fill)
Also, I just bought a cheap lcd projector. It works great for me as we don't have a massive window to display on.
the bigger the display area ie window, the more brightness you will need.
For those looking for extra brightness without opting for larger more expensive projectors , two lower lumens projectors working together will increase the brightness. Not to the same ratings ie double but will increase

Video below from Epson Projectors

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Some shots of my cheapy projector - I'm impressed ( just not with my camera skills ) plus a shot of my cheap (Big W) lights. This is the last year of my basic stuff, next year I'm going to be more up to date with things.
20181215_203529.jpg 20181215_203555.jpg 20181215_203823.jpg

Hi there,

This year we have a p10 matrix - i'd love to try the santa video - but the link is broken - may you still have it on computer and would send it to me ?

This is our Santa's workshop in the window from Atmosfx. Projected from inside the room. Previously used a VGA projector which was ok but this year splashed out on an Acer short throw 1080p projector and image is much better. I wouldn't bother using one of the cheap LED projectors - they are just not bright enough and the screen door effect is very prominent once the image fills the window. I used the LED projector for something small like the tombstone projection for which it is bright enough and the screen door effect isn't that noticeable on a small tombstone. I do need to put a black voil between the sheet and the window to stop some of the light bleed from the bright projector on the sheet and that also helps make the sheet somewhat disappear.
Hi Logan,

May you can send me the data ? I'd like to try it

Thank you
Hi there,

This year we have a p10 matrix - i'd love to try the santa video - but the link is broken - may you still have it on computer and would send it to me ?

Sorry, I just tried to send but it says that the file is too big for the server. Not sure how to compress it.