Recent content by bdeditch

  1. B

    Ray Wu Alternative

    We used him a few times and the service was great.
  2. B

    OK I am sure I have something set wrong here

    I am sure in was the LOR not being unloaded. It would pick up all the dongles that are plugged in and cause conflict
  3. B

    OK I am sure I have something set wrong here

    I checked and you are right. LOR was not on, but it was not unloaded. Its good now. Thanks for the hint. I never thought that would make a difference.
  4. B

    OK I am sure I have something set wrong here

    No the test mode is the only thing running. everything else was shut down.
  5. B

    OK I am sure I have something set wrong here

    You can see in the video I am very close from Controller to first pixel.
  6. B

    OK I am sure I have something set wrong here

    So just take out the 75 and replace with 0 and then do the test mode.
  7. B

    OK I am sure I have something set wrong here

    I was having some issues and I thought it was Nutcracker, but now I know its not. I did contact Ed at Joshua and he told me to try the test mode. Well here are the results in Video. You can see once the reboot is done they all go on as they are suppose to, then all hell breaks loose...
  8. B

    Sean Meighan Update - Great News

    Good to hear you are doing better. Take care of yourself and do not get stressed out.
  9. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    It was my fault,of course, it was the way I set it up. I forgot about the rgb = 3 for each pixel. I was doing by setting up only 25 pixels. It works great now. Just waiting for my metal to mount this strips on and build my 180 degree tree.
  10. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    Ok I tried some other things͵ adding more nodes to it͵ and getting better results. Leaving for Nevada for the day so I will play with it more tonight. Thanks for your help, I see where I was entering wrong info now.
  11. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    I will do that tonight, I will also try to make a small video to show what happens.
  12. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    No I have exported anything to LOR yet. The only problem could be the strings I am using. They are the ones from Ray that are 150 pixels, but 3 pixel's are controlled as one...
  13. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    If it was setup wrong, the test wouldn't work. What more info would you need?
  14. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    I for got to mention I am using 2 Joshua P12R, I am sure that everything is set up correctly or the test wouldn't work.
  15. B

    Ok what am I doing wrong

    I was watching this video Apr18 Intro Vixen LOR on Vimeo and cannot get my lights to all work like he does. When I use nutcracker test all of my lights work no problem, but when I go to nutcracker, and I did do setup of 24 strands 25 pixels per strand, start at universe 1 in nutcracker, it will...