Recent content by GPScreepers

  1. GPScreepers

    Detailed write-up of how I did my first display in 2019

    I have finally finished the blog! I hope it helps and encourages newbies in this great hobby!!
  2. GPScreepers

    Detailed write-up of how I did my first display in 2019

    Last year I got the bug and installed my first display. I did a lot of reading, watching and learning and attended the Sydney Mini and I think my display turned out ok and I enjoyed the experience. I notice a lot of people on these forums are looking for advice for their first display so in this...
  3. GPScreepers

    Newbie wanting to start

    Hi badger and bighorse, have a look at my blog on how I did my first display last Christmas. Actually it's not really a blog just a different topic on each entry so you need to read it starting at the bottom. All about the hardware so far, will add the software writeup in the next couple of...
  4. GPScreepers

    Sydney/NSW Sydney Expo May 16-17th 2020 - CANCELLED

    I could do the 'first year review'. Introduction: I used Xlights and RPi with rPi-28D cape, 220 pixels in 3 Christmas shapes (coro) all on a 5V, and on 12V I had 100 pixel candles (C9) and 5 floodlights on the house. I can cover cable selection, volt drop and injection. Here is my Xmas lights...
  5. GPScreepers

    Newbie wanting to start

    Hi Bighorse, here is the wiring diagram for my power and control board with the power supplies, rasp pi, fuses etc. Here is a photo of it on my garage wall - backing made from old bed slats. Here are the calcs for the field wiring... please don't be put off, I'm planning to make a simplified...
  6. GPScreepers

    Newbie wanting to start

    No prob Bighorse, can help you with the wiring, there’s not much to it really, even the injection. I can send you a diagram of my wiring including the fuses. I plan to cover all that in my blog/YouTube when I get around to it hopefully in the next few months. To djgra79’s post, I have chosen to...
  7. GPScreepers

    Newbie wanting to start

    Here is my list again, this time with supplier. Network cable to the garage where I mounted my controllers and power supplies (Cat 6) [Bunnings] Raspberry Pi B+ [ebay] Hanson Electronics rPi-28D cape [Hanson Electronics] Fuse board (hexfuse PCB) [Hanson] + automotive fuses [ebay] 5V power...
  8. GPScreepers

    Newbie wanting to start

    Hi Bighorse, I did my first display this year so happy to share my experience. Certainly the manual 101 is required reading, and the videos on this site. It is a good idea to decide on the display you want then think about the technology. I have 220 pixels in 3 Christmas shapes (coro) all on a...
  9. GPScreepers

    Sydney/NSW Sydney Expo 2020 (aka Sydney Mini) interest

    My first mini was earlier this year and I'd be happy to present on my first Christmas display. Might be interesting for others looking for a small setup to 'test the waters'. I have a Rasp Pi with rPi-28D cape. 5V string with 3 coro shapes and 12V string with floods and candles, around 300...
  10. GPScreepers

    Pixel stays on after schedule ends

    Thanks Alan. The pixel count in the FPP was one too high (from when I removed a faulty pixel). The sequence has just turned off and all pixels are now off. Hopefully has fixed the problem for good.
  11. GPScreepers

    Pixel stays on after schedule ends

    My first year with pixels and going well except one small thing... most nights one pixel stays on after the end of the schedule time, like it freezes. Usually the last pixel in the chain (a floodlight) but not always. Fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting power. I have a Rasp Pi running FPP...
  12. GPScreepers

    Download for Boscoyo CHROMAORNAMENT 13

    I finished the model and uploaded to the shared location here. The first and last nodes are at the bottom 'cause that's where I will connect to it. The rest of the nodes are selected to suit the wiring not the shape of the face so the smile etc have lots of individual node numbers (I didn't...
  13. GPScreepers

    Download for Boscoyo CHROMAORNAMENT 13

    Thanks @OzAz , and a special thanks for your quick responses:). The singing bulb is similar especially the face so that is where I'll start. Hopefully I'll get the chance over the weekend. I want to start the node count at the bottom 'cause that is where I plan to connect the cable so I'll check...
  14. GPScreepers

    Download for Boscoyo CHROMAORNAMENT 13

    When I fill out the matrix, is the comms line connected at number 1? Just wondering because I would like to connect at the bottom.