Recent content by jaredo

  1. jaredo

    Voting Time

    Done, gl. Good to see some places still doing Lights competitions. Rocky canned theirs back in 2011 lol.
  2. jaredo

    Rain - to show or not to show. That is the question

    Very might the same here, show was built to run under water, controllers might need some floaties though. I still get visitors when it's raining and one or two FB messages asking if it going to run. It's weird, but some people enjoy touring around / sitting in their car while it rains, those...
  3. jaredo

    FPP Display Voting Website & Yet another 'Christmas Light Finder'

    Just a update on this whole crazy thing. Literally out of time for anything else, time to move to prop build. But have managed to get things together, at the very least I wanted to give this a shakedown on my own display this year. FPP Plugin FPP plugin has been fully written, tested and seems...
  4. jaredo

    how does everyone backup there important information

    I use Dropbox quite heavily like fasteddy, that way it's all being synced and backup on every change. Restoring files is a few clicks. what I also do is once my show goes live I make copy of the FPPs USB drive with the sequences and prep another USB with everything, and do a FPP settings backup...
  5. jaredo

    FPP Display Voting Website & Yet another 'Christmas Light Finder'

    omg it's aliveeeeeeeeee. 4 hours of careful coding and chin scratching - polling & playing of the highest voted playlist item via the website is a thing now. FPP doesn't support or can't (probably for obvious reason) go play a playlist when it's running a scheduled playlist. Seems to cause FPP...
  6. jaredo

    Help Please things start looking good then boom

    I think you have to remove them and add them with the right channel count.. It might be easier to do that since you only have 16 universes, you can edit the xlights_networks.xml file where all this info is stored but probably not worth the effort for a small channel count Re-add the a in one...
  7. jaredo

    Help Please things start looking good then boom

    xLights should be set to be 510 channels (170 pixels worth per universe) as OzAz said (512 each for the 4 DMX outputs if want those in, I have them in so all my channel counts flow together and I don't have to shuffle things around if I expand etc.). I don't use xLights to program my show...
  8. jaredo

    FPP Display Voting Website & Yet another 'Christmas Light Finder'

    This is making me look bad lol (this is like the 3rd try), try again? dev box doesn't want to talk back out to the internet :(
  9. jaredo

    FPP Display Voting Website & Yet another 'Christmas Light Finder'

    The all precious dev environment is available, have a look around and let me know. If you find any issues / bugs let me know.
  10. jaredo

    FPP Display Voting Website & Yet another 'Christmas Light Finder'

    Hi All, I've been working on a project on and off for the past year or so. It's primary focus is allowing/enabling voting on sequences in my display and secondary as a Christmas light finder for my local community. I'm intending to let viewers use this functionality in 2017 The aim was to make...
  11. jaredo

    F16v2 fuse breaking when removed.

    Had the same thing happen on my controllers, the PCB headers grip the legs so tightly. Wriggling sometimes helps, but there's little holding those legs in the plastic bit. Or it could just be the cheap fuses they use. Any case, jump on ebay and get yourself 50 / 100 lol Sent from my...
  12. jaredo

    Announcing the PixLite 16 MKII Controller!

    That's a crazy amount of pixels / output, I could almost run my MegaTree from one output lol. This will definitely help with filling out the trees in the garden. With 320 pixels I found I was running short with trees only sporting 42 pixels each ( have something like 30 trees/shrubs in a 10m x...
  13. jaredo

    Brisbane/Qld Brisbane/Gold Coast Mini 2016 April 30- May 1st

    Definitely interested, I've missed every mini since well.... ever. -Jared.
  14. jaredo

    what is everybody plans for 2016

    Probably... P10 matrix 3x5 for SMS, animations, issue is waterproofing I guess as I want it on the roof. 17 RGB stars (7x20cm and 7x60cm [coro]) across the roof Coro piano keys (1 octave) 2 Starburst Stars /Fireworks Another arch More fill in the main display garden Lighting/fill parts of...
  15. jaredo

    AussieDoug's 2015 Show

    Look amazing as always Doug. Those fans/arches look amazing.