F16v2 fuse breaking when removed.


Apprentice elf
Dec 28, 2015

Felt the need to pull out the fuses on the f16v2 for something to do... This is the result,



Should you feel the need to pull the fuses on the f16v2 for no apparent reason then I suggest having a lot of spare fuses.


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I think the mini blade fuses don't have much structural integrity. I bought some second hand controllers (different type to yours) and I wanted to check all the fuses before I turned them on. Same thing happened to me. The fuse holders grip the legs very tightly. I now keep lots of spare fuses.
Had the same thing happen on my controllers, the PCB headers grip the legs so tightly.

Wriggling sometimes helps, but there's little holding those legs in the plastic bit. Or it could just be the cheap fuses they use.

Any case, jump on ebay and get yourself 50 / 100 lol

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Is there better quality fuses? The cheap ones on ebay look cheap but are the ones you buy from jaycar etc any better or are they just ebay/china ones repackaged.

I bought some new fuses today from the auto shop in town, they are a tighter fit but don't break when pulled out. Narva was the brand name of them.

Hmm. I pulled a bunch of mine on my F16v2 because I needed room to drill a hole in my CG1500 case and I didn't have any break. I think the trick is you need a tool that can grab them and pull straight out. You can't be rocking them back and forth to work them loose. I used needle nose pliers.
Gilrock said:
Hmm. I pulled a bunch of mine on my F16v2 because I needed room to drill a hole in my CG1500 case and I didn't have any break. I think the trick is you need a tool that can grab them and pull straight out. You can't be rocking them back and forth to work them loose. I used needle nose pliers.


Yep tried pliers after I broke the first couple of fuses with same result. Maybe had bad batch of fuses or too many beers....
