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    • J
      jollyzee replied to the thread Bunching at top.
      I don't think you can avoid the bunching up at the top - just because. Mine are overlapping some - but at night all lights at the top...
    • J
      jollyzee replied to the thread Pixel Lifespan.
      Don't have seed pixels either. Just 12mm resistor bullets running 12v and had to replace maybe 6 over the last 4 years. 3 did not pass...
    • J
      jollyzee replied to the thread Mega tree using a real tree.
      Hi all ... tomorrow is Thanksgiving - so HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I was able to setup all the props and I did take some pics of the strap and...
      • Mega Tree base.jpg
      • Mega Tree.jpg
      • Tree hoocks.jpg
      • Tree Hooks closeup.jpg
    • J
      jollyzee replied to the thread Mega tree using a real tree.
      We have a pine tree in our front yard and use it as a mega tree. Our mega tree strips are 150 inches long, so the mega tree is about 14...
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