Recent content by justinj

  1. J

    Possible Boscoyo Studio Bulk Buy from the US

    Excellent timing as I was planning on rebuilding and enlarging my megatree next year!
  2. J

    Ferris Wheel Lighting

    Looks awesome epnicass! I'd get a DC>DC booster and bump it up to 60+ V then use another DC>DC converter on the other side to drop it back to your pixel voltage. Not sure I'd be game to put 240V 10A connection into a $4 Chinese slip ring, but maybe that's just me.
  3. J

    Who has a facebook page for there lights
  4. J


    I haven't used this specific one, but I was trying to do E1.31 between houses 2 years ago and there was a notable lag, even with directional high power antennae. I could push 100mb of data between them in under 10 secs, but the lag was there. I did notice when running wireshark that it looked...
  5. J

    Trouble with converted Vixen 2.1 files

    Hi, I'm trying to get away from Vixen 2.1 because it struggles with it once I add the additional 37 universes and the server running it is a power hungry beast. I've tried converting them to FSEQ and XSEQ using both an old copy of XLights 3.6.12 and 2016.51 and it converts apparently...
  6. J

    Hit a wall....

    Oh and I plan on moving to FPP from my current server. But that's a background thing so hopefully will be seamless. I just need to get this matrix built so I don't have to rely on LEDTrix and the serial link to it...
  7. J

    Hit a wall....

    Don't panic I still have most of my display to get up. Kids + a over a week of gastro in the family has really put downtime on my uptime! At this stage it's last years display + a replacement RGB matrix to replace my LEDTrix. I might add some new songs in the lead up to xmas.
  8. J

    50mm 3m opaque tube - bulk buy

    If it's as good as it sounds I'd be down for 6 or 8 lengths.
  9. J

    what are these connectors called?

    Agree on using the waterproof ones instead for lighting, these are actually for a stepper motor cable that my CNC was missing so I need to make one up, hence the need for only 1.
  10. J

    what are these connectors called?

    That's not them. I have those JST connectors for a couple of my smaller RC models but they're different size and shape and they don't have the little clampover bits. Edit: Having looked at all the references at the bottom of the Wiki page it looks like they might be JST-SM connectors (As...
  11. J

    what are these connectors called?

    These aren't for lights but I think they might be similar if not the same as the ones on ribbons.
  12. J

    2.x Vixen 2 weird issue

    Just in case someone else has the same issue, I managed to fix mine. The issue with the profiles was resolved by creating a new sequence and copy-pasting the data from the old to the new one under the new profile. Then, despite having the same channel data it worked for some reason. As for...
  13. J

    2.x Vixen 2 weird issue

    I'm having a weird issue with Vixen this year that I haven't seen before. I'm using the same program as last year, I've just added a new sequence to it. This new sequence has new display features in it so it has a new profile which was a copy of last years profile but with more channels added...
  14. J

    ECG-P2 Strobe Software (and P12R, P12S ....)

    I just discovered I need at least 16 channels assigned to it too. Otherwise with just 4 assigned it only strobes slowly with 1 on at a time.
  15. J

    ECG-P2 Strobe Software (and P12R, P12S ....)

    Easiest way I found to toggle was like this. If I used CH3 then when toggling to 0 it still kept a strobe on. I'm not sure of the purpose of CH1&2 having to have those values?