How did I only just see this post 🤣 don’t do it pay your house off instead like I should have 😅
Na but in all seriousness you can start off small with only a few grand invested and have a cool pixel display and add to it over time.
No one starts off with what I have so don’t let it deter you...
I'm staying at Quest Apartments.
Would you guys like me to bring up/ organise to ship up a flamer and possibly a spark machine for people to have a play with?
im flexible with what weekend we have it so if everyone figures out when is best im all good! happy for it to be later in year once peoples businesses calm down with this new covid world.
my sheds nearly cleaned up ready to house everyone! done 3 tone of rubbish runs to the tip haha
It depends on the effect your after if you just want a little bit in a specific area of a couple meters or if you want a full on fake snow effect , I have played with cheaper machines they serve a purpose for small area of fake snow maybe like 2-3m if winds on you side but don't give you the...
I’m open to suggestions, more than happy to put some presentations together if people have topics they need help with ect.
I will post into the facebook Christmas lighting pages in Tas to see if we have any newcomers are wanting to reach out?
Thoughts on Sunday 24th of April people? I feel sundays will work best for those with kids and sporting on saturdays? I'm also open to running both days if yous would like?