Recent content by MikeKrebs

  1. M

    Hello from Virginia, USA!

    @MTT I made an assumption that since you were on this site, that you have downloaded and read through the 101 manual. You can find it on the home page in the banner under the home icon. It is a good read to get you up to speed to many parts of the hobby. This will save you have from having to...
  2. M

    Hello from Virginia, USA!

    Alternatives to LOR for AC include Renard controllers and there were two complete boxes for sale at earlier today for very reasonable money. Looks like they are spoken for but you can keep your eyes out over there and find some good gear. A somewhat inexpensive way to...
  3. M

    DIGWDF Gerbers, User Guides & Diptrace files

    If you don't know @dirknerkle or his work...he is a prolific inventor from the early 200x and 201x who was mainly working with incandescent and LED string controllers. Most had been adapted for some version of wifi. (I think he said that in post #1) Here are two avenues to documentation (I...
  4. M

    Needing Help with Xlights Layout

    First thing I would do is read or watch about the visualizer. It looks like the config was mostly done using the process from a few years ago. I see a couple of controllers that use the visualizer. You should try to use for all controllers/props that you can. The reason is that it is easier to...
  5. M

    DIGWDF Gerbers, User Guides & Diptrace files

    I couldn't find one but registration is painless and free at
  6. M

    Christmas Kiosk (Touchscreen Remote Falcon)

    Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
  7. M

    Fishing Santa for designed for 12mm Bullet Pixels

    Like this one? Just rip off the rope light and put some seed pixels on them.
  8. M

    Hello Australia, and a Merry Christmas to you all.

    Welcome JP122424! This site and should be top of the list for DIY stuff. There are lots of cool prepackaged stuff that is coming out but you will find that people on these forums are very inventive. I don't do facebook but there is a lot of activity there as well...
  9. M

    xLights sharing: sequences

    I have MJ from 2015. IM me your email and I will send it over.
  10. M

    Just getting started

    If you have 5V pixels, do not connect them to 12V. The Falcon will not convert 12v to 5v to power the pixels. You need a 5V power source to power 5v pixels. 5V power injection is typically every 100 (50 in both directions). By turning down the intensity, you can get more. You need to test it.
  11. M

    new to light shows

    You have a couple of forum friendly suppliers in Australia and then direct from china (aliexpress) and last buy from amazon (some of the amazon sellers are the same suppliers "we" use).
  12. M

    right LEDs showing in wrong places?

    Yes, this. Did you use the visualizer and upload the controller configs?
  13. M

    Help with DMX on Falcon f16v4

    I don't have a Falcon but shouldn't there be multiple DMX outputs. Where does port 3 tie to the listed DMX?