Recent content by perigalacticon

  1. P

    dynamic electrical signal measured and visualized

    I didn't know where to post this but I thought it was extremely interesting and educational. A YouTuber set up a circuit to measure the propagation of electrical signals through a long length of wire, then took measurements along the length and visualized them in an animation. It is amazing to...
  2. P

    Nothing is fried!

    So I was trying to make a 30W floodlight work that I hadn't used before. It needs 36V input. :( I don't like high voltages. They do bad things. So I gingerly and carefully set it up with a decent boost converter and yep it's putting out 36V. I had to solder up a new ESPixelstick and put it...
  3. P

    Effect per model as pixel on a group of submodels?

    I have a snowflake and I made a sub model with 6 node ranges for the arms. I want to apply the twinkle effect to all of the submodels individually, as pixels. I was thinking you could probably do this like you do with models in a group, using "Per Model As Pixel" render style. But this...
  4. P

    A good story

    So I'm putting together a "mega tree" type matrix of 360 leds on plastic strips. I had to replace a few pixels as some wires snapped and such as I was assembling them, and they were re-used from other props and were in use ~5 years or more. So, I started noticing some flickering (these are 12v...
  5. P

    Controller Connections for ESP32

    I am having some issues with running an ESP32 controller running ESPixelstick 4.0 for the first time with xLights/FPP and I think it might be related to the way I have set up my controllers in xLights. I was wondering if someone might comment on the way I set things up in xLights. I chose to...
  6. P

    ESPixelstick 4.0 ESP32 data corruption from AF Feather at higher brightness

    BTW, the corruption does not depend on how bright the channel 2 leds are, I can put the the 50 node strand on ch2 at full brightness (no glitching) or no brightness and this doesn't affect the corruption on the higher channels, so I'm pretty sure it's not the power.
  7. P

    ESPixelstick 4.0 ESP32 data corruption from AF Feather at higher brightness

    Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board:
  8. P

    ESPixelstick 4.0 ESP32 data corruption from AF Feather at higher brightness

    Yes I just mentioned the level shifter. So Far I have tried 3 different types of leds. 1 - a 5V WS2812b strip of 7 nodes. 2 - a 12V WS2811 pixel-node type strand of 50 nodes. 3 - a single 5V 3W high powered WS2811 node. I have tried 3 different power supplies, these are 5V/4A, 12V/8A, 12V...
  9. P

    ESPixelstick 4.0 ESP32 data corruption from AF Feather at higher brightness

    Yes I agree, I also tried using a SN74AHCT125 level shifter which I have good success with.
  10. P

    ESPixelstick 4.0 ESP32 data corruption from AF Feather at higher brightness

    Thanks. I have tested both 5V and 12V strands with different power supplies, it doesn't depend on what the lights are or how they're powered. The supply voltages don't dip more than a tenth of a volt. The Feather is powered from a USB port on the PC, a powered USB hub I have a wire...
  11. P

    play random sequence for gpio input

    Dave, if this works the way I think it does it may be problematic for the application I wanted. I tried insert playlist immediate a few years ago, but I found that the kids would press the buttons lot of times, and all those add playlist commands added lots and lots of playlists to a queue, and...
  12. P

    ESPixelstick 4.0 ESP32 data corruption from AF Feather at higher brightness

    I am running ESPixelstick 4.0 for the first time and I'm using an Adafruit Feather ESP32 module. I have found that the data on channels 3 and higher get corrupted with random patterns when I increase the brightness beyond about 25% when controlling directly from xLights. I am unable to use...
  13. P

    play random sequence for gpio input

    crickets. did i do something wrong?
  14. P

    play random sequence for gpio input

    Is there a way to get fpp to play a random sequence from a set triggered by a GPIO input? I have a set of of sequences in a playlist. When a button is pressed, I want the manually started (already running) background sequence to stop, and a random sequence from my set to be played, to...
  15. P

    Exporting actual groups of models

    I have an arrangement of models that are in a group that I'd like to use in a sequence with a different show folder. The size and relative positioning of the models is 'critical' and I'd like to maintain the group just as it is but in a different layout in a different show folder. I tried the...