Recent content by powerfix

  1. P

    WS2811DC2-30 - xLights Configuration

    Thanks, I'll give it a crack.
  2. P

    WS2811DC2-30 - xLights Configuration

    Thanks for all the input guys. I've managed to get it working both ways suggested above, but do like the single port and mapped 2 channels - for me it's a little cleaner. Regardless of the setup above, I'm still having one issue: 1. When the 2 channel lights are configured as a superstring...
  3. P

    WS2811DC2-30 - xLights Configuration

    Thanks Kim, How did you address each channel on the board - 1st string is fairly easy, then 2-15, etc? Are they separate strings with an offset like regular pixels? i.e. I have 10 strings of 250 LED's to a string, each on a different port on the DC2-30 - how would I address string 4, for example?
  4. P

    WS2811DC2-30 - xLights Configuration

    You guys are legends, thanks for the advice! All sorted.
  5. P

    WS2811DC2-30 - xLights Configuration

    Hi All, It's getting to the crunch time now and I'm scrambling to put everything together. Does anyone have any advice/setup guides/suggestions for configuring the Hanson Electronics WS2811DC2-30 in xLights? I have 15 strings of 250 LEDs 31VDC "Bunnings" LEDs and would like some guidance on...
  6. P

    xLights Lagging

    Yeah perfect, thanks for the responses guys. I've been messing about with it this morning and have configured that very setup @Skymaster. Far better response times and no noticeable lag at all. Thanks again.
  7. P

    xLights Lagging

    Hey all, Firstly, great piece of software. Super impressive. Just a heads up for those experiencing any lag within the xLights application itself - I'm running a Windows Domain with folder redirection for my Documents/Desktop/Photos/etc. and if you set your working folder to a remote location...
  8. P

    HE123Mk2 + FPP 6.3 Licensing

    Thanks Alan, understand it's a terrible time of the year timing wise, but no problem at this point, it seems to be working as expected so far.
  9. P

    HE123Mk2 + FPP 6.3 Licensing

    Thanks, appreciate the response.
  10. P

    HE123Mk2 + FPP 6.3 Licensing

    Thanks @Skymaster, I simply generated an EEPROM file from the link above, uploaded it and re-signed it to the correct board type. My gripe is only that I've got 25+ years in IT and figured it out, but the average punter would struggle, I'd suggest. There should be a specific section in the FPP...
  11. P

    HE123Mk2 + FPP 6.3 Licensing

    OK, so it appears that generates a file that can be uploaded from your PC and then signed online in FPP v6.3. 48 Port License key appears to have taken and worked.
  12. P

    HE123Mk2 + FPP 6.3 Licensing

    Hey, Not sure where to post this - apologies if there is a more suitable place. Just setup my HE123Mk2 and installed FPP 6.3 on the SD card. All was well. Have read the copious amounts relating to the licensing and purchased a 48 port license and got the key. So far, so good. In the FPP 6.3...
  13. P

    Hey from Melbourne, new to pixels. Very cool.

    LOL, yeah it's a bit weird - I started doing a relay based light show some years ago (maybe around 12-13) and joined the forum and just plodded along, but now the pixels have my attention - primarily due to the ease of use now. I'm in Narre South, and planning for this years gig so trying to...
  14. P

    Hey from Melbourne, new to pixels. Very cool.

    Hey there, looking at supercharging my display next year, have started investing in pixels (about 3000 so far across WS2811 and WS2812B 60/m) so hunting for controller options at the moment. Currently running a RPi with 16x Sainsmart relays for on/off effects, but need to go bigger. I'll be...