Recent content by Richie4540

  1. R

    Looking for xlights models

    Does anyone have a model for the ChromaRoo
  2. R

    spooky tube

    I made one that had wet cloth hanging in it so when you put your arm in it was all gooey, and yo had to put your arm in to open the air ram power sliding door, the music also changed when the sensors was triggered, the sensor circuit and MP3 player cost less than 20 bucks to make. Just keep in...
  3. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Geoff, thanks I updated tonight and of course while doing that got a message with people standing out front, and none for the rest of the night, it seems sms a light board on a house is a bit of a struggle for the good people of Coorparoo, maybe its takes a couple of years to catch on.
  4. R

    Hello All!!!

    Gian, welcome, where in the world are you? Richie
  5. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Thanks Geoff, I need to stay unicast as I have been lazy and run out of time to get a 2nd dedicated network set up, so I have it running on the main house network, but don't want to flood the network more.
  6. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Got home again tonight, and the FPP has again reset its Ip address to which I tracked down with Fing, so open the interface and the network settings page is still showing it's set to static Any ideas why it would be doing this? All other settings were there, so I...
  7. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    ok, so i checked a few more settings and has to load 37 universes ( i have a 2 x 6 matrix) into the E131 page in FPP and set the unicast address - but I have not enabled the E1.31/artnet output selector, just loaded in the universes. And now its working again - Yey.
  8. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Matrix seems to have gone bad now, got home tonight and no messages are being displayed, so start checking and the beagle bone has dropped its programming and changed from static ip back to dhcp, of course I dont have the back up settings here at the house its at the office where I built it...
  9. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Geoff, 64 bit , but I had a big night and haven't had time to sit in front of the pic yet, Richie
  10. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Geoff, I try again on the weekend, Regards Richard
  11. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Fu.. I hate permissions, tried a couple of times to copy and while it seemed to change the program it kept coming up with an unhandled exception each time it check twilio, so that's no good, so back to what works for now and I will play with it in the new year when I have time. Richie
  12. R

    Starting my research into a Mini Mega Tree.....

    just my 2cents worth, whats your display area like, I have a small yard so went for a 2D tree but higher and used 8 strings x 100 pixels bent at the top of the tree in half, so I ended up with 16 x 50 strings in a 5m (15 foot) height, which then means I could run 8 outputs of a Falcon Player V2...
  13. R

    SMS Messaging Application - Send SMS's to your Display

    Here is my efforts so far, more to add to the tree and a star is needed on top,