spooky tube


Senior elf
Global moderator
Dec 29, 2015
we have a brick wall with letterbox and mail tube at front of property. The other night one of the small kids was sticking his arm through the tube, and I suddenly thought " I could make a great halloween fright prop in that tube ".

Maybe a hand that shoots out as kids walk up to the house?

I've attached some pics, the wall is 26cm thick, now I just need some good ideas on what to do and how to do it...


  • front view.jpg
    front view.jpg
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  • rear view.jpg
    rear view.jpg
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  • side view 26cm.jpg
    side view 26cm.jpg
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Some long gloves like vets use and something to inflate/deflate them could provide a nice easy scare.
I made one that had wet cloth hanging in it so when you put your arm in it was all gooey, and yo had to put your arm in to open the air ram power sliding door, the music also changed when the sensors was triggered, the sensor circuit and MP3 player cost less than 20 bucks to make. Just keep in mind that most Aussies are not prepared for a real scare and need to be eased into it, we have had a few kids almost wet their pants and some of the parents were seriously scared as well when the door closed on them, to the point they almost destroyed the door (made of foam) to get out. We were trying hard not to laugh.

Some ideas: Lining part of the tube with something tactile eg hairy fabric or something soft rubbery put far enough from opening that it is not visible.
The vet glove is good but how to inflate it? Compressed air is noisy A blower fan perhaps? It would also need a way of pulling it back in.
A mechanical skeleton hand could be powered by a windscreen wiper motor which provides a choice of speeds and a single cycle.
I want to add animatronic functions to some of my props this year ie get the witch to stir the caldron and cackle plus a ghost or spider which descends behind the guests as they walk in. Thinking of using a "sensorlite" sensor to trigger a relay when someone walks past after a short time the relay will drop out. Have no idea on how to make it play a sound file or change the show being played in xlights.
Would be happy if you wanted to bounce any ideas of me.
Ballaarat Lights