Recent content by riri7707

  1. R

    Pixlite, new firmware 1.4.7

    New firmware 1.4.7 New assistant 2.3.1 Release notes: Mainly both updates are to support the new Long Range controllers. Also added MY9221 pixel driver support. There was a significant performance enhancement for multicast traffic. The PixLite controllers can now received upwards of 500...
  2. R

    New firmware & assistant release 27/01/2015

    Merci Beaucoup ... Thanks 8)
  3. R

    PixLite Art-net Support

    This is very welcome and great news. Thanks also for your e-mail to inform me about.... Downloaded. Nothing to say, Customer service is perfect (received also my new fuses in France few months ago). I'll update about the results. Cheers, Henri
  4. R

    Question about usage of PixLite16's DMX in/out

    Hi Kane, One of the major interest to use Artnet is to add the controllers as third party hardware to conventional light shows, specially with matrix pixel led videowalls. This allow more flexibility and all was managed by same Software. Now, there is a lot of freeware software using Arnet...
  5. R

    having problems with ray woo's pixel nodes

    Another small thing, Regarding moisture on connections, this is not due to a waterprofing problem with manufacturers, this is just a natural issue with the temperature conditions when the devices are build. The air always have water on it and Under some specific condition the water appears...
  6. R

    having problems with ray woo's pixel nodes

    The most problem with the Chineese suplliers is the quality control. These is NO control quality... So somewhere it's mandatory to check and repair the small problems... Most of them are soldering problems.... But don't forget, we buy the quality reflected by the money we paid for. This is...
  7. R

    ECG-P12S and ArtNet protocol

    Yes, Me too I was trying to use it with Madrix and other SW... But seems P12S cannot support yet Artnet, or maybe I missed something... A lot of try, but no way to make it working... Other devices I have works perfectly... Maybe there is a specific firmware to use or specific way do make it...
  8. R

    ECG-P12S and ArtNet protocol

    Hi, Maybe I missed some info about the implementation of ArtNet protocol but I never arrived to configure it even if the option settings are available in the menu. I don"t find specific topic talking about... I have of course the last firmware of P12S... So I tried the basic IP as usual for...
  9. R

    ECG-P12R lights blinking when idle

    2 points to check : a) Distance from controler and first pixel of your string (as far as I remember 6 meter max, without any repeater or null pixel)... b) The speed is to high on your settings... change the values down until you get a stable display
  10. R

    Crap, Enttec just burned out

    The logic wants you have a problem on your DMX line only due to a major issue in one of your DMX device. For the pixels, etc... They are under management of other circuits/outputs logic with drivers protected normally by a fuse in your third party devices. Means if you have a shot circuit...
  11. R

    Crap, Enttec just burned out

    Disconnect you Enttec device and replace the burned driver. Don't insist here as regarding your circuit, you can dammage also your ftdi chip. fyi, the input of the data is on PIN 4 of the burned chip comming directly for your FTDI chip, it can be dammaged also, depending how the driver was...
  12. R

    Crap, Enttec just burned out

    Unfortunatelly, this happens often when some wrong voltages or ground feedback on the RS422/485 chain (DMX ). You can just replace it by an SN75176 or MAX 487. In most of the boards, this chip was on socket and not soldered due to replacement purposes. The cost of this component is less than $1...
  13. R

    PixLite 16 Controller

    My humble experience with cheap molded plugs 4 pins (white ones bought 2 years ago) from our favorite supplier was really a nightmare... contacts are not 100% secure, you need during the lighting period to go and move the plugs because part of the display freeze or connection was interrupted...
  14. R

    PixLite 16 Controller

    Hi, A simple question : In case we have both 2801 and 2811 pixels strings, can we mix in the same board using different outputs or the choiced SPI protocol was made for full board and in this case we will need 2 units ? Henri