Recent content by stiffman

  1. S

    Meteor lights and dumb strips

    I thought I'd add that the same seller seems to be selling the 10cm sets at $12.99. also to note, there are 10 strips in a set, not 12 as the auction mentions. I've seen on ebay 30cm sets for about $17 for 8 strips. I'm thinking of getting some of these too. I'm guessing the general effect...
  2. S

    Big W Lights for 2012 have appeared.

    I saw the canberra / woden store had the shelves clear, with a map of what goes where pinned to it yesterday. Looking forward to the lights hitting the shelves!
  3. S

    Meteor lights and dumb strips

    ah, yea I should have done that in the first post. I'm pretty sure neither the meteor, or the strip lights come with power packs, but I'm happy with that. If there is one thing that I have a bunch of, its wall warts and other assorted power supplies. I figure if i can save a few bucks that...
  4. S

    Meteor lights and dumb strips

    over the weekend I've done my first purchase of lights for 2012! I found some meteor lights on ebay for 15.99 a set. I've ordered one set to check over, and if they come out suitable, I think I'll be ordering a bunch more. this is the ebay photo I've also got a 5m reel of dumb LED strip...
  5. S

    Virtual Santa from Christmas Light Show

    I think it looks pretty cool. I'm contemplating giving virtual santa a try for ourselves this year. we have a projector already, so it wouldn't be a terrible cost, just work out a projection surface for the window, somewhere to set the projector, and the DVD itself, and we are good to go. As...
  6. S

    Bunnings lights - 2012

    I was at bunnings yesterday, and noticed they had a bunch of Christmas lights out. more than the usual selection they had. One thing I noticed was they had 10cm long (i think) meteor shower / digital rain sets for $30, with 10 lots each. I was tempted to get some while I was there, but my...
  7. S

    projected video

    the elf yourself videos sound like a good way to get some personalisation into the display. I like your idea of the countdown as well. nice superman, again that would add a bit of fun and personalisation for the whole family! Thats an interesting idea, I've never really thought of that...
  8. S

    projected video

    cool. Im not necessarily thinking of just the linked virtual Santa, that's just an easy example of what I'm thinking. It could be expanded with falling snow, different scenes, Virtual Christmas lights. I kind of like the idea of projection mapping onto the building itself, or onto blank...
  9. S

    projected video

    With data projectors fairly common these days, I was wondering if anyone had thought of integrating them into their displays? It could be an easy way to add some moving effects, and filling windows with light / video i'm thinking something like this has good potential VIRTUAL SANTA CLAUS...
  10. S

    Hey from canberra

    Cheers guys this place is very informative, and I'm already learning! I'm hoping in the coming years I'll be able to build up quite a nice display.
  11. S

    Hey from canberra

    hey all, My name is Matt. I'm from Canberra. This is the first time in the last few years I've lived in a house with any kind of front yard. I've gotten my wife a bit excited about putting up christmas lights. This year we are making a start with about 1200 LEDs so far by my rough calculations...