Recent content by thecrazylightlady

  1. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini - June 19th

    Apologies, I was called into work today, the person who was supposed to cover me rang up sick
  2. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini - June 19th

    We are excited to catch up with you all on Sunday, is there anything I can bring?
  3. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide BBQUE ?

    Sounds good, anytime in may will be fine for the grinch and myself
  4. thecrazylightlady

    Mirrored window

    Have been asked to do a Christmas display for the butcher shop I work in and want to do a Santa’s workshop projection in the window. Unfortunately the windows are mirrored and I have no idea if this will still work or not. Has anyone else done this and can give me some feedback please? The...
  5. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide mini 2021 discussion

    Now that COVID restrictions are almost non existent, are we going to have an Adelaide mini? The grinch and I are definitely up for it, even if it’s just getting together talking about how we got through doing our lights, or if you didn’t do them during COVID. I’m sure we could all do with a...
  6. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mad March Christmas Lights Barbeque

    Hey Ralph, I’m sorry but the grinch and I won’t be able to make this one. Jason just had major eye surgery and needs to rest, hopefully we will make it to the Adelaide mini. Hope you all have a great time
  7. thecrazylightlady

    wtb 3D printer

    Looking to buy the Grinch a 3D printer, can anyone tell me which is the best one to buy and why, thanks in advance
  8. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA 2019 Adelaide Mini Registration - June 15

    No problem Ralph, the Grinch and I totally understand, we are renovating our bathroom at the moment and our house is in complete disarray, having another get together closer to Christmas will be great xx
  9. thecrazylightlady

    Feeling disappointed

    I’m the same as everyone else. I have been doing Xmas lights for 16 years and originally started doing it for myself and my kids. Then the same families started coming year after year to look and have photos out front of my home. So now I still do it for me, but also for the community. I don’t...
  10. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini 2019 (meet & greet) Feb 10 (RSVP by Feb 8)

    May I suggest that we all bring something to eat or nibble on rather than leave it all up to Len. It’s good enough of him to offer up his house. I’m happy to bring sausages and patties
  11. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini 2019 (meet & greet) Feb 10 (RSVP by Feb 8)

    Excellent, the grinch and I will be there will bells on.......and lights! Lol
  12. thecrazylightlady

    Finally up and running

    We didn’t get time to come look at them in the end, but this is a fantastic first effort, well done.
  13. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA Adelaide Mini Mini 2019 (meet & greet) Feb 10 (RSVP by Feb 8)

    Hey Len, it’s a yes from me. A Sunday would be great
  14. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA 2018 Adelaide Mini - May 19-20

    The grinch has decided he doesn’t want to show off our new reindeers this year, living up to his name.....unless someone here can talk him into it?
  15. thecrazylightlady

    Adelaide/SA 2018 Adelaide Mini - May 19-20

    Hey Ryan, I’m pretty proud of the reindeers I did last year so I will see if I can convince the grinch to set up a couple for display