Totally lost


Apprentice elf
Jan 7, 2022
I have two props that both work perfectly fine individually on there OWN ports on a falcon f16v5
BUT when chaining them on one port the second one always looks like its got corrected data (same problem happens over four different snowflakes know matter the order)

to be fair these are seeds I've had lying around knowing id brought four wired icicle seeds by mistake and was now treating them as standard three wires only

im thinking being that they are icicle seeds maybe my down fall although i would of thought they could still be chained


After moving them around; did you save the Controller tab in xLights, upload outputs to the controller, and re-render your test sequence?
After moving them around; did you save the Controller tab in xLights, upload outputs to the controller, and re-render your test sequence?
yip all the good stuff done
even went as far as having the two snowflake on one port and adding a second set individually on a port each, then rendered / upload / bla bla

it's got me thinking of putting in a lot order for pixels lol
It doesnt sound like it's hardware related if they are working individually.
Icicles are no different from normal pixels in that they are wired one after another, just in a slightly different physical layout.

How are you testing the sequence? From xLights or via FPP?
Have you tried using the test function in either to check the individual channels/nodes?
tested from Xlights and FPP V8

also tried bars effect as another idea ... first prop went as it should second prop went from the cent out o_O
i have other props all chained with know problems that ive touched

will test individual channels/nodes next
Make sure bars effect is "per preview" and not some other render style.
Big thanks for your help, sadly I've had these on the back burner for over a year and that's where they've gone again
to date I've far to many problems with what i drew and cut on the cnc and with work and time left its far easier to go back to plan A
I read somewhere about these seed pixels being in groups of 3 and it seems to depend on where you cut them.
That might be worth looking at.....
I read somewhere about these seed pixels being in groups of 3 and it seems to depend on where you cut them.
That might be worth looking at.....
That's a thought... what voltage are the pixels? The higher voltage ones are in groups... but with that said, I think the failure mode would be different if the pixels were in series groups.
Could it be a signal strength issue. Have you tried a famp between props.

I am assuming you are just running 3 wires from end of one prop into the next. No power injection or other funny business that may result in lost grounds.
Have you tested just a few pixels after the snowflake and seeing what is is sending. For example make the first snowflake normal, then on the second just put a poly line of 5 pixels in. Make the line light up certain colours to see if they data is getting right. You might have to skip a few pixels in xlights if there is some randomness with seed pixel lengths.
Also what happens if you run them off a pixel tester plugged in together.
due to working out of town for months on end and will be up until Christmas id dropped the seeds for what i know works with the lack of time (didn't get it fixed but may revisit it later)

although maybe on a similar note for keith ?
I'm used to home assistant UI and the needed to clear browser cache to get some changes to work and wondering if it could of been a similar problem ?

over the weekend i had a simple 40 pixel vert which had never given a problem before, all config was upload to the falcon f16 v5 (build 32) rendered and saved xlights (latest version) and sent to FPP (version 8) the vert clearly had corrupted data from not being rendered ? or this is how it appeared to me
so I repeated this a couple of times thinking id missed a step, still the same out come

by sheer luck I wondered if something might be retaining old info so I unplugged that cable and changed ports to force a change and repeated everything and now everything was fine as it should of been even when changing back to that port and repeating all all steps the out come was as expected and worked

maybe I've missed a step at the time or there's something in an update not playing fair ?
just food for thought