
  1. Garage icicles

    Garage icicles

    Made from 5mm corflute and 25mm conduit from Bunnings. Holes were punched by a hot circle punch, this melted the edges which helped with rigidity. This was made to align 12v regulated Ray Wu icicles to a grid for text and other effects.
  2. jjBrisvegas

    Answered Icicle issue

    Hi all, Have been putting together some new icicles using the Boscoyo mounts and Ray Wu 7,7,7 pixels. First six no problem, but the last is giving me grief. The first 20 or so pixels show white, while the rest seem to do what they should. Have tried several controllers and get the same result...
  3. Lights on Nubrena

    Ray Wu Icicle animation using xLights

    Morning All, Have been away for a little while but have spent the past 12 months building and getting my first pixel display ready for this year. Was hoping someone can point me in the right direction for some information on how to animate the below icicles i purchased from Ray using xLights...
  4. K

    Kitmans Pixel Icicles

    Since I showed off my 2016 xmas lights I have had a few people ask about my pixel icicles, so I thought I would do a bit of a post about them to answer some of the existing questions and also to answer some new questions before they come through my mailbox. Last year (2016) was my first...
  5. L

    Ray's Pixicles

    The pixicles from Ray have arrived[emoji3] Now it's time to have a play.