
  1. Merlin

    Thai of Melbourne

    I am Thai of Melbourne. Friend's xmas lights were impressive. Resistance has been futile. Zero experience. No shed/garage. Few hand tools. Year 1 goal: 3m mega tree. Will retro post xmas 2021 and then go from there! Secured a few pieces, including Ray Wu 12v regulated lights, 3x Meanwells, a...
  2. H

    Is it possible to trigger a sequence in xSchedule via MTC or Midi?

    Hi there, I’m planning a Halloween video and lights installation that would be a combination of Ableton for audio and BPM control, Resolume (BPM-synced to Ableton via Ableton link) which is outputting music synced video to multiple projectors and i’d like to include XLights / LED sequences...
  3. Light show interactivity with a midi keyboard - 2018 Adelaide Mini

    Light show interactivity with a midi keyboard - 2018 Adelaide Mini

    Presented by Ralphyf1 at the 2018 Adelaide Mini. An interactivity demonstration using xLights xSchedule, midi events and a midi keyboard.